
Power Matrix 📂Matrix Algebra

Power Matrix


For a given matrix ▷ eq01◁ ▷ eq02◁, if there exists a positive number ▷ eq04◁ that satisfies ▷ eq03◁, then ▷ eq02◁ is referred to as nilpotent. In this case, ▷ eq06◁ is the zero matrix ▷ eq01◁.



Nil means ‘zero’ or ’none.’ The meaning of potent is ‘powerful,’ and it is the root of the word potential. Thus, the term nilpotent can be understood as ‘having the potential/possibility to become ▷ eq08◁.’ In mathematics, ‘power’ signifies exponentiation, and ‘zero’ refers to the number ▷ eq08◁. Hence, the word nilpotent literally means ’to become zero by exponentiation.’




Shown by mathematical induction.

[2] 2


$A$, being a square matrix, can be represented as $A = Q T Q^{\ast}$ with some unitary matrix $Q$ and upper triangular matrix $T$. Since all eigenvalues of $A$ are ▷ eq08◁, $T$ is an upper triangular matrix with all diagonal elements being $0$, and upper triangular matrices are nilpotent matrices, $T$ is a nilpotent matrix for some $k \in \mathbb{N}$ such that $T^{k} = O$. Therefore, at least for $k$, $A^{k} = Q T^{k} Q^{*} = O$, making $A$ a nilpotent matrix as well.


Let’s say $A$ is a nilpotent matrix. $$ A^{k} = O $$ The determinant of a product equals the product of determinants, $$ (\det(A))^{k} = \det(A^{k}) = \det(O) = 0 \implies \det(A) = 0 $$


Proof is omitted3.

See Also