
Integration of Multivariable Functions 📂Vector Analysis

Integration of Multivariable Functions


Let IkI^{k} be a k-cell, and assume xIk\mathbf{x} \in I^{k}.

x=(x1,,xk),aixibi(i=1,,k) \mathbf{x} = (x_{1},\dots,x_{k}),\quad a_{i} \le x_{i} \le b_{i} (i=1,\dots,k)

Suppose f:IkRf: I^{k} \to \mathbb{R} is continuous. Then, since it is integrable, let us set it as f=fkf=f_{k}, and define fk1:Ik1Rf_{k-1} : I^{k-1} \to \mathbb{R} as follows:

fk1(x1,,xk1)=akbkfk(x1,,xk)dxk f_{k-1} (x_{1}, \dots, x_{k-1}) = \int_{a_{k}}^{b_{k}} f_{k}(x_{1}, \dots, x_{k}) dx_{k}

Then, by the Leibniz Rule, fk1f_{k-1} is continuous in Ik1I^{k-1}. Repeating this process kk times yields the constant f0Rf_{0}\in \mathbb{R}. This is called the integral of ff over IkI^{k}, and is denoted as follows:

Ikf(x)dxorIkf \begin{equation} \int_{I^{k}} f(\mathbf{x}) d\mathbf{x} \quad \text{or} \quad \int_{I^{k}}f \label{eq1} \end{equation}


Such a definition of integration might seem to depend on the order of integration. However, in reality, the integral value of ff does not depend on the order of integration.


Let (eq1)\eqref{eq1} be L(f)L(f). Let another integral of some ff with a different order of integration be L(f)L^{\prime}(f). Then, for all ff that are continuous in IkI^{k}, the following holds:

L(f)=L(f) L(f) = L^{\prime}(f)


Let us set the function hh as follows:

h(x)=h1(x1)h2(x2)hk(xk),hj\href h(\mathbf{x}) = h_{1}(x_{1}) h_{2}(x_{2}) \cdots h_{k}(x_{k}),\quad h_{j}\in \href{https://freshrimpsushi.github.io/posts/support-and-classes-of-continuous-functions/}{C([a_{j},b_{j}])}

Then, the following holds:

L(h)=i=1kaibihi(xi)dxi=L(h) L(h) = \prod \limits_{i=1}^{k} \int_{a_{i}}^{b_{i}}h_{i}(x_{i})dx_{i} = L^{\prime}(h)

Now, let A\mathscr{A} be the set of all finite sums of such hhs.

A={all of finite sums of such functions h} \mathscr{A} = \left\{ \text{all of finite sums of such functions h} \right\}

Since integration is linear, the following holds:

L(g)=L(g),gA L(g) = L^{\prime}(g),\quad \forall g\in \mathscr{A}

Furthermore, A\mathscr{A} becomes an algebra over IkI^{k}.


The set of functions A\mathscr{A} is called an algebra if it satisfies the following for all f,gAf,g \in \mathscr{A} and the constant cc:

  • f+gAf + g \in \mathscr{A}
  • fgAfg \in \mathscr{A}
  • cfAcf \in \mathscr{A}

Now, by applying the Stone-Weierstrass Theorem, we obtain the following result:

  • Let’s say V=i=1k(biai)V= \prod \limits_{i=1}^{k}(b_{i} - a_{i}). If fC(Ik)f \in C(I^{k}) and ε>0\varepsilon >0 are given, then there exists gAg\in \mathscr{A} that satisfies the following: fg<εV \| f - g \| < \dfrac{\varepsilon}{V} In this case, the norm is given as f=maxf\| f \| = \max | f |.

Then, the following inequality holds:

L(fg)L(maxfg)=fgV<εL(fg)L(maxfg)=fgV<ε \begin{align*} |L(f-g)| &\le L(\max|f-g|) = \| f-g \| V < \varepsilon \\ |L^{\prime}(f-g)| &\le L^{\prime}(\max|f-g|) = \| f-g \| V < \varepsilon \end{align*}

Also, the following equation holds:

L(f)L(f)=L(f)L(g)+L(g)L(f)=L(fg)+L(gf) L(f) - L^{\prime}(f) = L(f) - L(g) + L^{\prime}(g) - L(f) = L(f-g) + L^{\prime}(g-f)

Therefore, we obtain the following equation:

L(f)L(f)=L(fg)+L(gf)<2ε | L(f) - L^{\prime}(f) | = | L(f-g) + L^{\prime}(g-f) | < 2\varepsilon

Since this is true for all ε\varepsilon, we obtain the following:

L(f)=L(f) L(f) = L^{\prime}(f)

  1. Walter Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis (3rd Edition, 1976), p245-246 ↩︎