Translation of Vector Field Translation:
📂GeometryTranslation of Vector Field Translation:
Let’s call a regular curve on the surface C2 through α(t). Let X~=(X~1,X~2) be a vector tangent to M at point α(t0). Then, there exists a unique vector field X(t) parallel to α(t) that satisfies X(t0)=X~.
The unique vector field X(t) is called the parallel translate of X~ along α.
Let x be the coordinate chart mapping for α(t0). It can be represented as α(t)=x(α1(t),α2(t)).
Now consider the following initial value problem.
dtdXk=Xk(t0)= −i,j∑ΓijkXidtdαj,k=1,2 X~k
Auxiliary Lemma: Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Parallel Vector Fields
Let α(t)=x(α1(t),α2(t)) be a regular curve on the coordinate chart mapping x. Let X(t)=X1x1+X2x2 be a differentiable vector field along α. Then, the necessary and sufficient condition for X(t) to be parallel along α is as follows.
By Picard’s Theorem, there exists a unique solution near t0. Therefore, according to the auxiliary lemma, this solution is a vector field that is parallel along α.