
How to Install TensorFlow for Python on Windows 📂Programing

How to Install TensorFlow for Python on Windows


When installing TensorFlow, problems usually arise due to an incorrect installation of Python. It’s recommended to uninstall Python and start over from the beginning, or if possible, to give your computer a fresh start.

Step 1. Python

  • Step 1-1. Checking the Bit Version Check the system information through Control Panel/All Control Panel Items/System or My Computer(right-click)-Properties. These days, it’s mostly 64-bit, so if it’s hard to confirm, it’s safe to assume it’s 64-bit. 333.png

  • Step 1-2. Downloading Python Go to the official Python website and enter Downloads/Windows. Ignore the Download for Windows on the right side. 20190317\_094154.png 20190317\_094352.png Download and run the installer that matches your bit version.

  • Step 1-3. Installing Python Check Add Python 3.x to PATH. If the installation process seems difficult and you are reading this guide, avoid thinking about options like Customize installation and go with Install Now instead. 11.png

Step 2. Installing TensorFlow

  • Step 2-1. cmd cmd0.png Press Ctrl+R to open the Run window, type cmd, and in the terminal type pip3 install --upgrade tensorflow.

  • Step 2-2. cmd1.png Wait a bit, and the installation will be complete.