
Dirac Measure and Discrete Probability Distribution Defined by Measure Theory 📂Probability Theory

Dirac Measure and Discrete Probability Distribution Defined by Measure Theory


In basic probability theory, a probability distribution was either discrete or continuous, and its explanation had to rely somewhat on intuition. However, with the introduction of measure theory, discrete probability distributions can be defined cleanly without any mathematical ambiguity.

Discrete Probability Distribution 1

Assume that a probability space (Ω,F,P)( \Omega , \mathcal{F} , P) is given.

Step 1. When the random variable XX takes only one value

When considering only the case of X=aX = a, its probability distribution PXP_{X} is called a Dirac measure δa\delta_{a}.

PX(B)=δa(B):={1,aB0,aB P_{X} (B) = \delta_{a} (B) := \begin{cases} 1 &, a \in B \\ 0 &, a \notin B \end{cases}

As seen, the probability distribution PXP_{X} only cares about whether aa is included in the Borel set BB(R)B \in \mathcal{B} ( \mathbb{R} ) or not. This fundamentally differs from understanding the type of probability distributions by discerning the differences between discrete and continuous. Even if we redefine probability distributions using measure theory, it doesn’t mean we can’t use the terms (absolute) continuous probability distribution or discrete probability distribution. However, those two eventually become the same probability distributions, defined in the same manner but having different properties.

Step 2. When the random variable XX takes two values

Consider a random variable that is X=aX = a with probability pp and X=bX = b with probability (1p)(1-p). XX can use the Dirac measure from Step 1. to represent its probability distribution as follows.

PX(B)=pδa(B)+(1p)δb(B) P_{X} (B) = p \delta_{a} (B) + (1-p) \delta_{b} (B)

To elaborate more easily,

PX(B)={1,a,bBp,aBbB1p,aBbB0,otherwise P_{X} (B) = \begin{cases} 1 &, a,b \in B \\ p &, a \in B \land b \notin B \\ 1-p &, a \notin B \land b \in B \\ 0 &, \text{otherwise}\end{cases} From such a development, one could consider the general form of discrete probability distributions.

Step 3. General discrete probability distribution XX

Given iNi \in \mathbb{N} where pi>0p_{i} > 0 and ipi=1\sum_{i} p_{i} = 1, one can consider the following probability distribution PXP_{X}.

PX(B)=iNpiδai(B) P_{X} (B) = \sum_{i \in \mathbb{N}} p_{i} \delta_{a_{i}} (B)

It might seem unfamiliar and counterintuitive to define in such a new way, but it is precisely this ’lack of intuitiveness’ that justifies the introduction of measure theory. If one has touched upon probability theory to the extent of involving measure theory, it’s best to become acquainted with these expressions as quickly as possible.

Neither Discrete Nor Continuous Probability Distributions 2

On one hand, the Dirac measure was needed only to define discrete probability distributions, but using the Dirac measure doesn’t solely make it a discrete probability distribution. As mentioned before, even when introducing measure theory, there are still continuous and discrete probability distributions. However, the Dirac measure is nothing more than a rather ordinary Lebesgue measure, so how we use it entirely depends on our freedom. Consider the following example:

Q. Assume cities AA and BB are 50km apart. One must drive a car that can only go at 100km/h from AA to BB, and the departure time is randomly determined with a uniform distribution between 1 and 2 PM. Of course, if one arrives at BB before 2 PM, the car can be parked. Then, what probability distribution would the distance between the car and BB follow at exactly 2 PM?

A. If the departure time is before 1:30 PM, one would be able to arrive at BB and park in advance. However, if one departs at 1:t>30t > 30 minutes, the later departure would result in being further from BB. Represented as a random variable, it looks like this.

X(t)={0,t[0,30]50100t60,t(30,60] X(t) = \begin{cases} 0 &, t \in [0,30] \\ \left| 50 - 100 {{t} \over {60}} \right| &, t \in (30, 60] \end{cases}

Then, the probability distribution can be expressed using the Dirac measure δ\delta and the uniform measure mm as follows.

PX=12δ0+12150m[0,50] P_{X} = {{1} \over {2}} \delta_{0} + {{1} \over {2}} \cdot {{1} \over {50}} m_{[ 0, 50]}

As seen in the example, PXP_{X} is neither a discrete nor a continuous probability distribution.

See Also

  1. Capinski. (1999). Measure, Integral and Probability: p68~69. ↩︎

  2. Capinski. (1999). Measure, Integral and Probability: p69~70. ↩︎