Electric Field Curl
📂ElectrodynamicsElectric Field Curl
Electric Field’s Curl is always 0.
We will derive a general result from the special case where a point charge is located at the origin. The electric field due to a point charge at a distance of r from the origin is as follows.
If we perform a path integral of the electric field from point a to point b in a spherical coordinate system, we obtain the following.
∫abE⋅dl==== ∫ab(4πϵ01r2qr^)⋅(drr^+rdθθ^+rsinθdϕϕ^) ∫ab4πϵ01r2qdr 4πϵ0q∫abr21dr=4πϵ0q[−r1]rarb 4πϵ0q(ra1−rb1)
Here, ra and rb are the distances from the origin to point a and point b, respectively. As can be seen from the result of the above integration, the integral over a closed path is 0.
Stokes’ Theorem
Using Stokes’ Theorem
therefore, it can be seen that it must be ∇×E=0. Since the integral over any arbitrary area must yield 0, it can only be ∇×E=0.
The electric field for several point charges is the same as adding up the electric fields for each point charge. For continuously distributed charges, only change ∑ to ∫. Therefore, it is E=E1+E2+3+⋯, and since the curl of each electric field is 0, their sum is naturally 0.
∇×E=== ∇×(E1+E2+3+⋯) (∇×E1)+(∇×E2)+(∇×E3)+⋯ 0