Euclidean Domain
Definition 1
In the domain , if there exists a Euclidean Norm that satisfies the following two conditions, then is called a Euclidean Domain.
- (i): For all There exist and that satisfy this. At this time, it must be either or .
- (ii): For all ,
- represents the set of natural numbers including .
Let be the identity element of the Euclidean Domain , be the unit element, and be the Euclidean norm.
- [1]: Every ED is a PID.
- [2]: Every ED is a UFD.
- [3]: For all that are not ,
- [4]: is a unit element
- PID refers to a Principal Ideal Domain, and UFD refers to a Unique Factorization Domain.
- Unit Element is the multiplicative identity , and Unit is an element that has a multiplicative inverse.
The term ‘Euclidean Domain’ is not particularly long, but usually, the abbreviation ED is widely used.
Conditions (i) and (ii) are naturally satisfied in the integer ring , due to the existence of a Euclidean norm which makes a Euclidean Domain. The term ‘Euclidean Norm’ itself is derived from the Euclidean Algorithm in number theory.
On the other hand, considering ◁eq28◁ for a field by defining a Euclidean norm , it becomes the Euclidean norm. The Division Algorithm falls under these conditions in the first place.
When diagramming various domains, it looks like the above, which easily shows how many good properties the ED possesses.
Let the ideal of be .
is naturally a Principal Ideal, so let’s consider .
Then for every which is not , we can find one which satisfies it. Let’s denote this as , by condition (i), must exist which satisfies this. Since is an ideal, is also contained within . Since was the element minimizing , by condition (i), must hold. That all elements can be expressed as implies that , meaning every ideal is a principal ideal.
Since ED is PID, and PID is UFD, ED is UFD.
By condition (ii),
Since is a unit, its inverse exists, and by theorem [3], , hence,
Let it be . If then is not true, so by condition (i) of the definition, must hold. Hence, , and thus is a unit.
Related Information
- Euclidean Domain Principal Ideal Domain Unique Factorization Domain Domain
- Euclidean Domain Principal Ideal Domain Noetherian Ring
Fraleigh. (2003). A first course in abstract algebra(7th Edition): p401. ↩︎