
Euclidean Domain 📂Abstract Algebra

Euclidean Domain

Definition 1

In the domain DD, if there exists a Euclidean Norm ν:D{0}N0\nu : D \setminus \left\{ 0 \right\} \to \mathbb{N}_{0} that satisfies the following two conditions, then DD is called a Euclidean Domain.

  • (i): For all a,bD(b0)a,b \in D (b \ne 0 ) a=bq+r a = bq + r There exist qq and rr that satisfy this. At this time, it must be either r=0r = 0 or ν(r)<ν(b)\nu (r) < \nu (b).
  • (ii): For all a,bD(b0)a,b \in D (b \ne 0 ), ν(a)ν(ab)\nu ( a ) \le \nu ( ab )

  • N0\mathbb{N}_{0} represents the set of natural numbers including 00.


Let 00 be the identity element of the Euclidean Domain DD, 11 be the unit element, and ν\nu be the Euclidean norm.

  • [1]: Every ED is a PID.
  • [2]: Every ED is a UFD.
  • [3]: For all dDd \in D that are not 00, ν(1)ν(d)\nu (1) \le \nu (d)
  • [4]: uDu \in D is a unit element     \iff ν(u)=ν(1)\nu ( u ) = \nu (1)


The term ‘Euclidean Domain’ is not particularly long, but usually, the abbreviation ED is widely used.

Conditions (i) and (ii) are naturally satisfied in the integer ring Z\mathbb{Z}, due to the existence of a Euclidean norm ν(n):=n\nu ( n ) := | n | which makes Z\mathbb{Z} a Euclidean Domain. The term ‘Euclidean Norm’ itself is derived from the Euclidean Algorithm in number theory.

On the other hand, considering ◁eq28◁ for a field FF by defining a Euclidean norm ν(f(x)):=deg(f(x))\nu ( f(x) ) : = \deg ( f(x) ), it becomes the Euclidean norm. The Division Algorithm falls under these conditions in the first place.

20190107\_023727.png When diagramming various domains, it looks like the above, which easily shows how many good properties the ED possesses.



Let the ideal of DD be NN.

N={0}=<0>N = \left\{ 0 \right\} = \left< 0 \right> is naturally a Principal Ideal, so let’s consider N{0}N \ne \left\{ 0 \right\}.

Then for every nNn \in N which is not 00, ν(b)ν(n) \nu (b) \le \nu (n) we can find one b0b \ne 0 which satisfies it. Let’s denote this as aNa \in N, by condition (i), a=bq+r a = b q + r q,rDq,r \in D must exist which satisfies this. Since N=NqN = Nq is an ideal, r=abqr = a - bq is also contained within NN. Since bb was the element minimizing ν(b)\nu (b), by condition (i), r=0r=0 must hold. That all elements aNa \in N can be expressed as a=bqa = bq implies that N=<b>N = \left< b \right>, meaning every ideal NN is a principal ideal.


Since ED is PID, and PID is UFD, ED is UFD.


By condition (ii), ν(1)ν(1d)=ν(d) \nu (1) \le \nu ( 1 d) = \nu (d)


(    )( \implies )

Since uu is a unit, its inverse u1u^{-1} exists, ν(u)ν(uu1)=ν(1) \nu ( u ) \le \nu ( u u^{-1} ) = \nu (1) and by theorem [3], ν(1)ν(1)\nu (1) \le \nu (1), hence, ν(u)=ν(1) \nu ( u ) = \nu (1)

(    )( \impliedby )

Let it be 1=uq+r1 = uq + r. If ν(1)=ν(u)\nu (1) = \nu (u) then ν(1)<ν(u)\nu (1) < \nu (u) is not true, so by condition (i) of the definition, r=0r=0 must hold. Hence, 1=uq1 = uq, and thus uu is a unit.

  1. Fraleigh. (2003). A first course in abstract algebra(7th Edition): p401. ↩︎