Alignment of Polar Molecules by a Non-uniform Electric Field
📂ElectrodynamicsAlignment of Polar Molecules by a Non-uniform Electric Field
Polar molecules possess a dipole moment even in the absence of an external electric field. If there is a constant external electric field, the dipole moment aligns with the direction of the electric field.
However, if the external electric field is not constant, F+ and F− are not the same, resulting in a net force as well as a torque. The net force can be calculated as follows. If the electric field at ±q is E±,
If the length of the dipole is very short, ΔEx can be approximated to the total differential dEx as d=dxx^+dyy^+dzz^
ΔEx≈dEx=== ∂x∂Exdx+∂y∂Exdy+∂z∂Ezdz (∂x∂Exx^+∂y∂Exy^+∂z∂Ezz^)⋅(dxx^+dyy^+dzz^) ∇Ex⋅d
By calculating Ey and Ez in the same manner and substituting them into (1),
ΔE====== (∇Ex⋅d)x^+(∇Ey⋅d)y^+(∇Ez⋅d)z^ (dx∂x∂Ex+dy∂y∂Ex+dz∂z∂Ex)x^+(dx∂x∂Ey+dy∂y∂Ey+dz∂z∂Ey)y^+(dx∂x∂Ez+dy∂y∂Ez+dz∂z∂Ez)z^ (dx∂x∂+dy∂y∂+dz∂z∂)Exx^+(dx∂x∂+dy∂y∂+dz∂z∂)Eyy^+(dx∂x∂+dy∂y∂+dz∂z∂)Ezz^ (dx∂x∂+dy∂y∂+dz∂z∂)(Exx^+Eyy^+Ezz^) [(dxx^+dyy^+dzz^)⋅(∂x∂x^+∂y∂y^+∂z∂z^)](Exx^+Eyy^+Ezz^) (d⋅∇)E
Therefore, the net force acting on polar molecules is F
F=== q(ΔE) (qd⋅∇)E (p⋅∇)E