
The Sign of Complex Numbers 📂Complex Anaylsis

The Sign of Complex Numbers

Definition 1 2

The sign of a complex number λC\lambda \in \mathbb{C} is defined as follows. sign(λ)={λλ,λ00,λ=0 \operatorname{sign} ( \lambda ) = \begin{cases} \displaystyle {{ \lambda } \over { \left| \lambda \right| }} &, \lambda \ne 0 \\ 0 &, \lambda = 0 \end{cases}


As an easily checkable example, the sign of real numbers sign(+2)=1\operatorname{sign} ( +2 ) = 1, sign(3)=1\operatorname{sign} ( -3 ) = -1 can be immediately verified. Thus, in terms of generalization of reals, it is a sufficiently good definition.

See Also