
Dual Space 📂Linear Algebra

Dual Space

Dual Spaces

Definition 11

The set of all continuous linear functionals of a vector space XX is denoted by XX^{ \ast } and is called the dual space of XX, simply referred to as the dual of XX, as denoted below.

X:={x:XC  x is continuous and linear} X^{ \ast }:=\left\{ x^{ \ast }:X\to \mathbb{C}\ |\ x^{ \ast } \text{ is continuous and linear} \right\}

X:=B(X,C) X^{ \ast }:=B(X,\mathbb{C})

B(X,C)B \left( X, \mathbb{C} \right) is the set of bounded linear operators whose domain is XX and codomain is C\mathbb{C}.

Definition 22

For a vector space XX over the field FF, the set of linear functionals on XX is called the dual space of XX and is denoted by XX^{\ast}.

X=L(X,F) X^{\ast} = L(X, F)

L(X,F)L(X, F) is the set of all linear transformations from XX to FF.


  • By the properties of linear operators, the condition of continuity is equivalent to the condition of boundedness.
  • Instead of the symbol \ast, ^{\prime} is also used to denote the dual space.

It is also possible to talk about the dual space of the dual space. In this case, it is denoted as X=(X)X^{\ast \ast}=\left( X^{ \ast } \right)^{ \ast } and called as bidual, double dual, or second dual.

Regarding the operator norm f=supxXx=1f(x)\displaystyle \| f \| = \sup_{\substack{x \in X \\ \| x \| =1}} | f(x) |, (X,)(X^{ \ast } , \| \cdot \| ) becomes a Banach space. The following theorem holds.


If XX is a finite-dimensional vector space, then the following holds.

dimX=dimX \dim X^{ \ast } = \dim X


Method 11

Strategy: Use the basis of dimX\dim X to create a basis that makes dimX\dim X^{ \ast } finite-dimensional.

If we let dimX=n\dim X = n, since XX is finite-dimensional, it has a basis {e1~,,en~}\left\{ \tilde{ e_{1} } , \cdots , \tilde{ e_{n} } \right\}.If we then let ej:=ej~ej~X\displaystyle e_{j} : = {{ \tilde{e_{j} } } \over { \| \tilde{ e_{j} } \| }} \in X, ej=1\| e_{j} \| = 1 and {e1,,en}\left\{ e_{1} , \cdots , e_{n} \right\} is still a basis of XX. Now, let’s define ej:(X,)(C,)e_{j}^{ \ast } : (X , \| \cdot \| ) \to ( \mathbb{C} , | \cdot | ) as follows.

ej(ei):=δij e_{j}^{ \ast } (e_{i}) := \delta_{ij}

Properties of Linear Operators

Let T:(X,X)(Y,Y)T : (X , \| \cdot \|_{X}) \to ( Y , \| \cdot \|_{Y} ) be a linear operator. If XX is a finite-dimensional space, then TT is continuous.

Since we assumed dimX=n\dim X = n, eje_{j}^{ \ast } is a continuous linear functional.

Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Linear Functionals to be Expressed as Linear Combinations

Let f1,,fnf_{1} , \cdots , f_{n} be a linear functional with domain XX.

There exists x1,,xnx_{1} , \cdots , x_{n} that satisfies     \iff fj(xi)=δijf_{j} (x_{i} ) = \delta_{ij} if f1,,fnf_{1} , \cdots , f_{n} is linearly independent

According to the above theorem, β={e1,,en}\beta^{\ast} = \left\{ e_{1}^{\ast}, \dots, e_{n}^{\ast} \right\} is linearly independent. Applying fXf \in X^{ \ast } to any x=i=1ntieiX\displaystyle x = \sum_{i=1}^{n} t_{i} e_{i} \in X results in

f(x)=f(i=1ntiei)=i=1ntif(ei)=i=1nf(ei)ti f(x) = f\left( \sum_{i=1}^{n} t_{i} e_{i} \right) = \sum_{i=1}^{n} t_{i} f(e_{i} ) = \sum_{i=1}^{n} f(e_{i} ) t_{i}

Since ti=ei(k=1ntkek)=ei(x)\displaystyle t_{i} = e_{i}^{ \ast } \left( \sum_{k=1}^{n} t_{k} e_{k} \right) = e_{i}^{ \ast } (x),

f(x)=i=1nf(ei)ei(x)=[i=1nf(ei)ei](x) f(x) = \sum_{i=1}^{n} f(e_{i} ) e_{i}^{ \ast } (x) = \left[ \sum_{i=1}^{n} f(e_{i} ) e_{i}^{ \ast } \right] (x)


f=i=1nf(ei)eispan{e1,,en} f = \sum_{i=1}^{n} f(e_{i} ) e_{i}^{ \ast } \in \text{span} \left\{ e_{1}^{ \ast } , \cdots , e_{n}^{ \ast } \right\}

In other words, β={e1,,en}\beta^{\ast} = \left\{ e_{1}^{ \ast } , \cdots , e_{n}^{ \ast } \right\} is linearly independent and generates XX^{\ast}, so it is a basis of XX^{ \ast }.

dimX=n \dim X^{ \ast } = n

Method 22

Since dim(L(X,F))=dim(X)dim(F)\dim(L(X,F)) = \dim(X)\dim(F),

dim(X)=dim(L(X,F))=dim(X)dim(F)=dim(X) \dim(X^{\ast}) = \dim(L(X,F)) = \dim(X)\dim(F) = \dim(X)

Although this concludes the proof of the theorem itself, let’s concretely find the basis of XX^{\ast}. Let β={x1,,xn}\beta = \left\{ x_{1}, \dots, x_{n} \right\} be the ordered basis of XX. Also, let’s refer to fif_{i} as the iith coordinate function.

fi(xj)=δij f_{i}(x_{j}) = \delta_{ij}

Thus, fif_{i} is a linear functional defined on XX. Now, let’s assume β={fi,,fn}\beta^{\ast} = \left\{ f_{i}, \dots, f_{n} \right\}.

Claim: β\beta^{\ast} is an (ordered) basis of XX^{\ast}

We already know dim(X)=n\dim (X^{\ast}) = n, so all we have to show is span(β)=X\span(\beta^{\ast}) = X^{\ast}. That is, we have to demonstrate that any fXf \in X^{\ast} can be represented as a linear combination of fif_{i}s. Given ff, let’s assume g=i=1nf(xi)fig = \sum_{i=1}^{n}f(x_{i})f_{i}. Then, in fact, this gg is precisely ff, and we can see that ff is represented as a linear combination of fif_{i}s. Regarding 1jn1 \le j \le n,

g(xj)=(i=1nf(xi)fi)(xj)=i=1nf(xi)fi(xj)=i=1nf(xi)δij=f(xj) g(x_{j}) = \left( \sum_{i=1}^{n}f(x_{i})f_{i} \right) (x_{j}) = \sum_{i=1}^{n}f(x_{i})f_{i}(x_{j}) = \sum_{i=1}^{n}f(x_{i})\delta_{ij} = f(x_{j})

Therefore, g=fg=f and f=i=1nf(xi)fif = \sum_{i=1}^{n}f(x_{i})f_{i}. Thus, β\beta^{\ast} generates XX^{\ast}.

Dual Basis

Following the notation, the ordered basis β={f1,,fn}\beta^{\ast} = \left\{ f_{1}, \dots, f_{n} \right\} of XX^{\ast} is called the dual basis or reciprocal basis of β\beta.

fi:XF by fi(xj)=δij f_{i} : X \to \mathbb{F} \quad \text{ by } \quad f_{i}(x_{j}) = \delta_{ij}

Here, δij\delta_{ij} is the Kronecker delta.

  1. Kreyszig. (1989). Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications: p106. ↩︎ ↩︎

  2. Stephen H. Friedberg, Linear Algebra (4th Edition, 2002), p119-120 ↩︎ ↩︎