Dual Space
📂Linear AlgebraDual Space
Dual Spaces
Definition 1
The set of all continuous linear functionals of a vector space X is denoted by X∗ and is called the dual space of X, simply referred to as the dual of X, as denoted below.
X∗:={x∗:X→C ∣ x∗ is continuous and linear}
B(X,C) is the set of bounded linear operators whose domain is X and codomain is C.
Definition 2
For a vector space X over the field F, the set of linear functionals on X is called the dual space of X and is denoted by X∗.
L(X,F) is the set of all linear transformations from X to F.
- By the properties of linear operators, the condition of continuity is equivalent to the condition of boundedness.
- Instead of the symbol ∗, ′ is also used to denote the dual space.
It is also possible to talk about the dual space of the dual space. In this case, it is denoted as X∗∗=(X∗)∗ and called as bidual, double dual, or second dual.
Regarding the operator norm ∥f∥=x∈X∥x∥=1sup∣f(x)∣, (X∗,∥⋅∥) becomes a Banach space. The following theorem holds.
If X is a finite-dimensional vector space, then the following holds.
Method 1
Strategy: Use the basis of dimX to create a basis that makes dimX∗ finite-dimensional.
If we let dimX=n, since X is finite-dimensional, it has a basis {e1~,⋯,en~}.If we then let ej:=∥ej~∥ej~∈X, ∥ej∥=1 and {e1,⋯,en} is still a basis of X.
Now, let’s define ej∗:(X,∥⋅∥)→(C,∣⋅∣) as follows.
Properties of Linear Operators
Let T:(X,∥⋅∥X)→(Y,∥⋅∥Y) be a linear operator. If X is a finite-dimensional space, then T is continuous.
Since we assumed dimX=n, ej∗ is a continuous linear functional.
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Linear Functionals to be Expressed as Linear Combinations
Let f1,⋯,fn be a linear functional with domain X.
There exists x1,⋯,xn that satisfies ⟺ fj(xi)=δij if f1,⋯,fn is linearly independent
According to the above theorem, β∗={e1∗,…,en∗} is linearly independent. Applying f∈X∗ to any x=i=1∑ntiei∈X results in
Since ti=ei∗(k=1∑ntkek)=ei∗(x),
In other words, β∗={e1∗,⋯,en∗} is linearly independent and generates X∗, so it is a basis of X∗.
Method 2
Since dim(L(X,F))=dim(X)dim(F),
Although this concludes the proof of the theorem itself, let’s concretely find the basis of X∗. Let β={x1,…,xn} be the ordered basis of X. Also, let’s refer to fi as the ith coordinate function.
Thus, fi is a linear functional defined on X. Now, let’s assume β∗={fi,…,fn}.
Claim: β∗ is an (ordered) basis of X∗
We already know dim(X∗)=n, so all we have to show is span(β∗)=X∗. That is, we have to demonstrate that any f∈X∗ can be represented as a linear combination of fis. Given f, let’s assume g=∑i=1nf(xi)fi. Then, in fact, this g is precisely f, and we can see that f is represented as a linear combination of fis. Regarding 1≤j≤n,
Therefore, g=f and f=∑i=1nf(xi)fi. Thus, β∗ generates X∗.
Dual Basis
Following the notation, the ordered basis β∗={f1,…,fn} of X∗ is called the dual basis or reciprocal basis of β.
fi:X→F by fi(xj)=δij
Here, δij is the Kronecker delta.