Laplace's Succession Rule
📂Mathematical StatisticsLaplace's Succession Rule
Let’s say the prior distribution of the binomial model p(y∣θ)=(yn)θy(1−θ)n−y follows a uniform distribution U(0,1) and the posterior distribution follows a beta distribution β(y+1,n−y+1), hence p(θ∣y)∼θy(1−θ)n−y. Then, for the data obtained so far y, the probability of observing a new y~ being 1 is
From a frequentist’s perspective, the probability of y~=1 will be close to the sample rate ny. However, fundamentally as n increases, since n+2y+1≃ny, both frequentists and Bayesians will eventually make similar estimates as the sample size increases.
On the other hand, if we consider the case of having conducted no trials, that is n=0, it matches well with the uniform distribution as the prior, which is p(y~=1∣y)=21. This effectively demonstrates, through formulas, that our inference started from θ=21.
Since θp(θ∣y) follows the beta distribution β(y+1,n−y+1),