Multistep Methods
📂Numerical AnalysisMultistep Methods
Given a continuous function defined in D⊂R2 for the initial value problem given in {y′=f(x,y)(y(x0),⋯,y(xp))=(Y0,⋯,Yp), let’s say we have broken down interval (a,b) into nodes like a≤x0<x1<⋯<xn<⋯xN≤b. Especially for a sufficiently small h>0, if we say xj=x0+jh, then for the initial value and 0≤p≤m, if ap=0 or bp=0, the following is called a (p+1)-step method.
Of course, it is permissible to think of a sufficiently large q≥1 and f∈Cq(D) defined from D⊂R2. Especially in this general form, if particularly p=0 and a0=1,b0=1,b−1=0 then it becomes the Euler method.
Multistep methods generally have a higher accuracy as they use more data information compared to one-step methods. For the initial value problem given in {y′=f(x,y)(y(x0),⋯,y(xp))=(Y0,⋯,Yp), let’s consider the truncation error as
and write this as τn(Y):=h1Tn(Y), if it satisfies h→0limxp≤xn≤bmax∣τn(Y)∣=0, then the method is said to have a consistency condition. It might look complicated when written in equations but simply put, this means the speed at which the truncation error decreases is faster than the speed at which h decreases. Where
among m, the highest number is called the method’s order of convergence.
Especially if b−1=0, then yn+1 is referred to as an explicit method because it appears only in the left side. If b−1=0, then because yn+1 appears on both sides, it is referred to as an implicit method. While explicit methods are convenient for calculations, generally known implicit methods perform well but require additional calculations.