Ikeda Map
A map that defines a dynamical system in the complex plane is known as the Ikeda map. When a complex number is set as , the Ikeda map is generally expressed in terms of the real number and parameter , as , , as follows.
The Ikeda map was proposed by the Japanese physicist Kensuke Ikeda in a 1979 paper, simplifying the phenomenon of light passing through an optical resonator1. Typically, the bifurcation parameter is , and it becomes chaotic when .
From a research perspective, understanding such a system can add value to a paper. Chaotic systems among -dimensional maps can be found abundantly, including the famous Hénon map, but the Ikeda map is mathematically more complex2.
Here is the Julia code that calculates the trajectory of the Ikeda map.
using CSV, DataFrames, Plots
μ = .9
function ikeda(x,y)
φ = .4 - 6/(1 + x^2 + y^2)
cosφ = cos(φ)
sinφ = sin(φ)
return [1 + μ*(x*cosφ - y*sinφ), μ*(x*sinφ + y*cosφ)]
trj_ = [rand(2)]
for t in 1:10000
push!(trj_, ikeda(trj_[end]...))
data = DataFrame(x = first.(trj_), y = last.(trj_))
scatter(data.x, data.y, legend = :none, size = [500, 500], msw = 0, ms = 1, xlabel = "x", ylabel = "y"); png("Ikeda.png")
CSV.write("ikeda.csv", data)
Ikeda, K. (1979). Multiple-valued stationary state and its instability of the transmitted light by a ring cavity system. Optics communications, 30(2), 257-261. https://doi.org/10.1016/0030-4018(79)90090-7 ↩︎
Moradi, M., Panahi, S., Bollt, E. M., & Lai, Y. C. (2024). Data-driven model discovery with Kolmogorov-Arnold networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.15167. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2409.15167 ↩︎