
In P-groups in abstract algebra 📂Abstract Algebra

In P-groups in abstract algebra

Definition 1

Given that the identity of a finite group GG is ee, if gGg \in G satisfies gn=eg^{n} = e for the smallest nNn \in \mathbb{N}, then it is denoted as g=n|g| = n. For all gGg \in G and a given prime number pp, if there exists an integer m0m \ge 0 that satisfies g=pm|g| = p^{m}, the group GG is called a pp-group.


If G=pm|G| = p^{m}, then it’s an pp-group, and the following theorem is known.


XG:={xX  gx=x,gG}X_{G} : = \left\{ x \in X \ | \ gx = x , g \in G \right\} is a set independent of action, and let’s denote it as XG=gGXg\displaystyle X_{G} = \bigcap_{ g \in G} X_{g}. If a finite group GG is G=pm|G| = p^{m} and XX is a GG-set, then XXG(modp) |X| \equiv |X_{G}| \pmod{p}


Let’s say XX has rr orbits. Let’s denote an element taken from each orbit as x1,,xrx_{1} , \cdots , x_{r}, then X=i=1rGxi |X| = \sum_{i=1}^{r} | G x_{i} | If you say s=XGs = |X_{G}|, then 0sr0 \le s \le r, and X=XG+i=s+1rGxi |X| = |X_{G}| + \sum_{i=s+1}^{r} | G x_{i} |

Property of Isotropy Subgroups: If XX is a GG-set, then Gx=(G:Gx)|Gx| = ( G : G_{x}). If GG is a finite group, then Gx|Gx| is a divisor of G|G|.

Since G=pm|G| = p^{m}, the divisor Gxi|Gx_{i}| must be a power of pp. Therefore, for some kZk \in \mathbb{Z}, X=XG+pk |X| = |X_{G}| + p k and, according to the definition of congruence, the following holds. XXG(modp) |X| \equiv |X_{G}| \pmod{p}

  1. Fraleigh. (2003). A first course in abstract algebra(7th Edition): p322. ↩︎