Quotient groups in Abstract Algebra
📂Abstract AlgebraQuotient groups in Abstract Algebra
Let’s call the set of all cosets of H⊂G as G/H. If there exists a well-defined binary operation ∗ like (aH)∗ (bH)=(ab)H, then ⟨G/H,∗⟩ is called a Factor group.
Let’s assume H⩽G. That H◃G and G/H being a group are equivalent.
That H◃G means that H is a normal subgroup of G.
The binary operation ∗ is a binary operation that calculates only with the representative elements of cosets, which makes the set G/H form a factor group. If it’s not intuitively understandable why G/H forms a group, it’s highly likely that the concept of cosets is misunderstood.
It suffices to show that (⟹) (aH)(bH)=(ab)H.
Since H is a normal subgroup, if h1b∈Hb, then there exists some h3∈H such that bh3∈bH. For ah1∈aH and bh2∈H
Therefore, (aH)(bH)⊂(ab)H, and reversing the process, (ab)H⊂(aH)(bH) thus
It suffices to show that (⟸) gH=Hg.
If we have x∈gH and g−1∈g−1H, then
thus, h:=xg−1∈H must be the case. Meanwhile, since x=hg,
Therefore, gH⊂Hg, and reversing the process, Hg⊂gH thus