Proof of the Alexander Subbase Theorem
📂TopologyProof of the Alexander Subbase Theorem
Let X be a topological space.
X is compact. There exists some subbasis S for X, made up of members of ⟺ S, such that every open cover of X composed of X has a finite subcover.
The importance of compactness goes without saying.
This theorem was originally something Alexander’s teacher wanted to prove about bases. However, he couldn’t prove it for bases and it was Alexander who completed it for subbases.
Honestly, the proof is too long and complex to memorize, but it’s quite ingenious and worth trying out at least once.
S is a subset of the topology of X, so it is trivial.
Part 1.
Assume that X is not compact.
Let C be a collection of open covers of X that do not have a finite subcover, since we are assuming X is not compact, therefore C=∅. From all the open covers C∈C, let’s construct a new set O:=⋃C by selecting only those that do not have a superset other than themselves. The existence of such a set O is justified by the Axiom of Choice.
- For example, if {{1},{2},{3},{1,3}}, then this is like collecting the ‘partially largest sets’ as in {{2},{1,3}}.
Part 2. If there exists a O0∈O satisfying i=1⋂nUi⊂O0 for an open set U1,⋯,Un⊂X, then there must exist a i0 satisfying Ui0⊂O.
Consider an open set U1 and U2 that satisfy U1∩U2⊂O0 for some O0. Here,
is assumed.
Since O is defined as collecting the partially largest open covers from C,
must be true. That means O∪{U1} and O∪{U2} have finite subcovers that cover X, which are
and thus,
But since it was stated U1∩U2⊂O0, {O1,⋯,Om,O1’,⋯,Ol,O0}∈O is a finite subcover of X. This contradicts the definition of O, hence our assumption
is wrong. Therefore, either U1∈O or U2∈O must be true, and if a O0∈O exists satisfying i=1⋂nUi⊂O0, then there must be at least one i0 that satisfies Ui0⊂O.
Part 3.
Since O is an open cover of X, for all x∈X, there exists a Ox∈O satisfying x∈Ox. Here, S is a subbasis of X, so
there exists a S1,⋯,Sm∈S satisfying this. As shown in Part 2, there exists a Sx satisfying x∈Sx∈O. Then, {Sx ∣ x∈X}⊂S becomes an open cover of X. Since it was assumed that every open cover of S has a finite subcover, there exists a x1,⋯,xn∈X satisfying X=i=1⋃nSxi. But, since Sxi∈O, and O was defined not to have a finite subcover, this is a contradiction. Therefore, X is compact.