
Cartesian Product of Topological Spaces 📂Topology

Cartesian Product of Topological Spaces

Definition 1

For an index set A\mathscr{A}, let {Xα  αA}\left\{ X_{\alpha} \ | \ \alpha \in \mathscr{A} \right\} be a set of topological spaces, and let OαO_{\alpha} be an open set in XαX_{\alpha}.

  1. For the Cartesian product X:=αAXα\displaystyle X := \prod_{\alpha \in \mathscr{A}} X_{ \alpha}, pα:XXαp_{\alpha} : X \to X_{\alpha} is called the projection.
  2. The topology generated by a subbasis S:={pα1(Oα)  OαXα,αA}\mathscr{S} : = \left\{ p_{\alpha}^{-1} ( O_{\alpha} ) \ | \ O_{\alpha} \subset X_{\alpha} , \alpha \in \mathscr{A} \right\} for XX is called the product topology.
  3. The topology generated by a basis B:={αAOα  OαXα,αA}\displaystyle \mathscr{B} : = \left\{ \prod_{\alpha \in \mathscr{A}} O_{\alpha} \left. \ \right| \ O_{\alpha} \subset X_{\alpha} , \alpha \in \mathscr{A} \right\} for XX is called the box topology.


Let A=N\mathscr{A} = \mathbb{N}.

  • [5]: If {Xα  αA}\left\{ X_{\alpha} \ | \ \alpha \in \mathscr{A} \right\} is a set of separable spaces, then XX is separable.
  • [6]: If {Xα  αA}\left\{ X_{\alpha} \ | \ \alpha \in \mathscr{A} \right\} is a set of first-countable spaces, then XX is first-countable.
  • [7]: If {Xα  αA}\left\{ X_{\alpha} \ | \ \alpha \in \mathscr{A} \right\} is a set of second-countable spaces, then XX is second-countable.
  • [8]: If A\mathscr{A} is a finite set, then the product topology and box topology of XX are the same.


The reason why a complicated subbasis appears in the definition is mainly for the use of intersections, as the definition of basis does not allow anything other than unions.

According to the definition of subbasis, the basis that is generated for the product topology by the subbasis S\mathscr{S} is {i=1npαi1(Oαi)  pαi1(Oαi)S} \left\{ \left. \bigcap_{i=1}^{n} p_{\alpha_{i} }^{-1} ( O_{ \alpha_{i} } ) \ \right| \ p_{\alpha_{i} }^{-1} ( O_{ \alpha_{i} } ) \in \mathscr{S} \right\} . Naturally, for the basis of the box topology B\mathscr{B}, {i=1npαi1(Oαi)  pαi1(Oαi)S}B \left\{ \left. \bigcap_{i=1}^{n} p_{\alpha_{i} }^{-1} ( O_{ \alpha_{i} } ) \ \right| \ p_{\alpha_{i} }^{-1} ( O_{ \alpha_{i} } ) \in \mathscr{S} \right\} \subset \mathscr{B} holds. The fact that the elements of the box topology include those generated from the subbasis of the product topology means that the box topology has the same or more elements than the product topology, and thus the product topology is referred to as being smaller, coarser, or weaker.

The fact that theorem [8] holds is surprisingly rare. Remembering the fact ’the box contains the product’ helps in avoiding confusion. The fact that it touches upon dimensions not just finite or countably infinite, but arbitrary dimensions, is somewhat shocking.

Topology for Non-Majors

However, considering Cartesian products in topology is more interesting than any other field, whether it’s due to generalization over dimensions or multivariate analysis. But now, it feels closer to the popularly known topology.

Consider the following spaces for I:=[0,1]I := [0,1] and S1={(x,y)R2  x2+y2=1}S^{1} = \left\{ (x,y) \in \mathbb{R}^2 \ | \ x^2 + y^2 =1 \right\}.

20180713\_181813.png From left to right, a square I×II \times I, a cylinder I×S1I \times S^{1}, and a torus S1×S1S^{1} \times S^{1}.

Starting from one-point compactification, it has now become a kind of mathematics that gives a feeling of spaces being twisted and folded.

See Also

  1. Munkres. (2000). Topology(2nd Edition): p113~114. ↩︎