
Gas Molecule Count Formula Depending on Height in an Isothermal Atmosphere 📂Thermal Physics

Gas Molecule Count Formula Depending on Height in an Isothermal Atmosphere


Assuming the temperature $T$ is constant, let’s define the number of gas molecules per unit volume $V=1$ at height $h$ as $N(h)$. If the mass of the gas molecules is $m$ and the gravitational acceleration is $g$, the following formula holds.

$$ N(h) = N(0) e^{- {{mgh} \over {k_{B} T}} } $$


Originally, this formula does not stand out in thermodynamics, but it’s interesting that there are two completely different methods of derivation.


Using Differential Equations

Consider a layer of air from height $h$ to $h + dh$. Within a unit area, there would be $N dh$ molecules, and the applied pressure is given by $dp = - N dh \cdot mg$.

Ideal Gas Equation

$$ pV = N k_{B} T $$

Since the volume is fixed at $V=1$ in the ideal gas equation, we get the following equation.

$$ p = N k_{B} T \implies dp = k_{B} T d N $$

Substituting $dp = - N dh \cdot mg$ and organizing gives the following.

$$ {{1} \over {N}} dN = - {{mg} \over {k_{B} T}} dh $$

Solving the above separable first-order differential equation yields the following.

$$ \begin{align*} && \ln N(h) - \ln N(0) =& - {{mg} \over {k_{B} T}} h \\ \implies && \ln N(h) =& \ln N(0) + \ln e^{-mgh / k_{B} T} \\ \implies && \ln N(h) =& \ln \left( N(0) e^{-mgh / k_{B} T} \right) \end{align*} $$

Solving the logarithm we get:

$$ N(h) = N(0) e^{ -mgh / k_{B} T } $$

Using the Boltzmann Distribution

Boltzmann Distribution

$$ P(\epsilon) \propto e^{ - \epsilon /k_{B} T } $$

For a gas molecule of mass $m$ at height $h$, its gravitational potential energy is $mgh$. The probability that a gas molecule has energy $mgh$ is given by the Boltzmann distribution as follows.

$$ P(mgh) \propto e^{ -mgh / {k_{B} T} } $$

Here, $P(mgh)$ is the probability of finding $N(h)$ molecules at height $h$, so,

$$ N(h) = N(0) e^{ -mgh / k_{B}T } $$

  1. Stephen J. Blundell and Katherine M. Blundell, Thermal Physics (Concepts in Thermal Physics, translated by Jae-woo Lee) (2nd Edition, 2014), p56-57 ↩︎