
Riddled Basin 📂Dynamics

Riddled Basin

Definition 1

In a dynamical system, assume there are nn basins for R1,,RnR_{1} , \cdots , R_{n} different attractors. A set R\mathcal{R} is termed a riddled basin if for all xR\mathbf{x} \in \mathcal{R} and for all ε>0\varepsilon > 0, the open ball B(x;ε)B \left( \mathbf{x} ; \varepsilon \right) is not disjoint from all R1,,RnR_{1} , \cdots , R_{n}: xR,ε>0,k=1,n:B(x;ε)Rk    R is a riddled basin \forall \mathbf{x} \in \mathcal{R} , \varepsilon > 0 , k = 1 , \cdots n : B \left( \mathbf{x} ; \varepsilon \right) \cap R_{k} \ne \emptyset \implies \mathcal{R} \text{ is a riddled basin}

Example 2

In simple terms, a riddled basin is a basin with a complex and intertwined structure for multiple attractors, such that no matter how small a neighborhood is chosen, it includes parts of all the basins. By definition, even the smallest subset of a riddled basin will continuously exhibit these properties, revealing a connection with fractals.

f:zz2(1+ia)zˉ f : z \mapsto z^{2} - \left( 1 + i a \right) \bar{z} Consider the example of a dynamical system defined by a map on the complex plane as described above. Here, the line N1={z=x+iy:y=a/2}N_{1} = \left\{ z = x + iy : y = a/2 \right\} remains invariant under ff regardless of aa, that is, f(x+ia/2)=(x+ia/2)2(1+ia)(xia2)=x23a24x+ia2 \begin{align*} & f \left( x + i a / 2 \right) \\ =& \left( x + i a / 2 \right)^{2} - \left( 1 + i a \right) \left( x - i {\frac{ a }{ 2 }} \right) \\ =& x^{2} - {\frac{ 3 a^{2} }{ 4 }} - x + i {\frac{ a }{ 2 }} \end{align*} and hence under f(N1)N1f \left( N_{1} \right) \subset N_{1}. The line rotated around the origin by 4π3{\frac{ 4 \pi }{ 3 }} is denoted as N2N_{2}, and another rotation results in N3N_{3}, which are said to indeed be the three attractors under ff.

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When the basins for the three attractors are visualized in red, green, and blue respectively, they appear as shown above. A riddled basin has overlaps with all three basins regardless of how small a circle is chosen anywhere. From the perspective of each color, no matter where you look, the surface appears riddled with holes, justifying the aptness of the term.

  1. Yorke. (1996). CHAOS: An Introduction to Dynamical Systems: p170. ↩︎

  2. https://brain.cc.kogakuin.ac.jp/~kanamaru/Chaos/e/RiddledBasin/ ↩︎