Proof of the Peano Space-Filling Theorem
📂TopologyProof of the Peano Space-Filling Theorem
A surjective continuous function f:I→I×I exists for I=[0,1].
This is a short yet shockingly profound theorem. If this theorem is true, it suggests that planes can be formed solely with lines, a concept that is tough to accept even after seeing the proof. The term “Space-filling curve theorem” is arbitrarily used here, initially translated in Japan.
Part 1.
Define the sequence of paths {fn} as shown in the following figures.



Then, for all x∈I, fn is therefore a Cauchy sequence since
Equivalent condition for compact metric spaces: A metric space being compact is equivalent to it being complete and totally bounded.
Meanwhile, I×I being a compact metric space implies it’s a complete space, and fn(x) converges to some point in I×I.
Let’s now define f(x):=n→∞limfn(x) as such. The proof concludes once it’s shown that f is a surjective continuous function.
Part 2. f is a function.
It suffices to show that for all x∈I, f(x) exists uniquely.
Part 3. f is continuous.
fn uniformly converging to f means fn is continuous, so f is also continuous. For a given ε>0, choose n0∈N such that it satisfies 2n02<ε. For all x∈I,
By the triangle inequality,
hence fn uniformly converges to f, and f is continuous.
Part 4. f is surjective.
Showing that for all y∈I×I, y∈f(I) holds implies f is surjective. Following the definition of {fn}, for a given y∈I×I,
exists x∈I and m∈N satisfying it. Then, for n≥m,
Now, choose n0>m satisfying 2n03<ϵ for a given ϵ>0. By the triangle inequality,
meaning Bd(y,ε)∩f(I)=∅, and for all ε>0, d(y,f(x))<ε, hence y∈f(I).
Compactness and continuous functions: Let f:X→Y, assuming X is compact and f is continuous. If Y is Hausdorff, then f is a closed function. For a closed set C⊂X, f(C)⊂Y is a closed set.
Since f has been shown to be continuous in Part 2., f(I) is a closed set in I×I, and hence y∈f(I)=f(I). Therefore, f:I→I×I is a surjective continuous function.