
Gauss's Theorem, Divergence Theorem 📂Mathematical Physics

Gauss's Theorem, Divergence Theorem


The following holds for a 3-dimensional vector function F\mathbf{F}:

VFdV=SFdS \begin{equation} \int_{\mathcal{V}} \nabla \cdot \mathbf{F} dV = \oint_{\mathcal{S}} \mathbf{F} \cdot d \mathbf{S} \label{1} \end{equation}

Here, F\nabla \cdot \mathbf{F} is divergence, V\int_{\mathcal{V}} is volume integration, and S\oint_{\mathcal{S}} is closed surface integration.


This is called Gauss’s theorem, Green’s theorem, or divergence theorem. The divergence theorem is especially used in electromagnetics.

Mathematical Meaning

Mathematically, it means that a surface integral can be expressed as a volume integral, and a volume integral can be expressed as a surface integral. In other words, it’s possible to convert triple integrals and double integrals to each other.

Physical Meaning

Physically, the total sum of amounts coming in and out at each point (small volume) on the left side of ((1)\big( \eqref{1} is the same as the total sum of amounts coming in and out on the entire surface of the volume on the right side of ((1)\big( \eqref{1}.

As a simple example, imagine there are people in a room. People enter and leave the room through the door. Suppose there are two observers, one looking inside the room and the other at the door. Let’s say 2 people enter the room and 3 people leave. Then, the change of people as seen by the observer inside the room2 is 23=1|2-3|=1, and the change of people as seen by the doorkeeper3 is 32=1|3-2|=1. (Count as +1+1 when 11 people open the door and leave) These two are always the same.


Let’s check if the volume integral of divergence for each face adds up to the same.



Adding up the surface integral for all faces results in:

S1FdS1+S2FdS2+S3FdS+S4FdS4+S5FdS5+S6FdS6 \int _{S_{1}} \mathbf{F} \cdot d \mathbf{S}_{1} + \int_ {S_2} \mathbf{F} \cdot d \mathbf{S}_2 + \int_ {S_{3}} \mathbf{F} \cdot d \mathbf{S}_ + \int_ {S_{4}} \mathbf{F} \cdot d\mathbf{S}_{4} + \int _{S_{5}} \mathbf{F} \cdot d\mathbf{S}_{5}+\int _{S_{6}} \mathbf{F} \cdot d\mathbf{S}_{6}

First, let’s calculate for faces S1S_{1} and S2S_2, which are perpendicular to the xx axis. It’s F=Fxx^+Fyy^+Fzz^\mathbf{F}= F_{x} \hat{\mathbf{x}} + F_{y} \hat{\mathbf{y}} + F_{z} \hat{\mathbf{z}}, and each surface’s direction is outward. Assume the direction of F\mathbf{F} is the same as S1S_{1}. Then, the two surface integrals are as follows:

S1FdS1+S2FdS2=S1FxdS1S2FxdS2=zz+Δzyy+ΔyFx(x+Δx,y,z)dydzzz+Δzyy+ΔyFx(x,y,z)dydz=zz+Δzyy+Δy[Fx(x+Δx,y,z)Fx(x,y,z)]dydz \begin{align*} \int _{S_{1}} \mathbf{F} \cdot d \mathbf{S}_{1} + \int _{S_2} \mathbf{F} \cdot d \mathbf{S}_2 &= \int_ {S_{1}} F_{x} dS_{1} - \int _{S_2} F_{x} dS_2 \\ &= \int_{z}^{z+\Delta z} \int_{y}^{y+\Delta y} F_{x} (x+\Delta x,y,z) dydz - \int_{z}^{z+\Delta z} \int_{y}^{y+\Delta y} F_{x} (x,y,z) dydz \\ &= \int_{z}^{z+\Delta z} \int_{y}^{y+\Delta y} \bigg[ F_{x} (x+\Delta x,y,z) - F_{x} (x,y,z) \bigg] dydz \end{align*}

At this point, by the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, since abdF(x)dxdx=F(b)F(a)\displaystyle \int _{a} ^b \dfrac{ dF(x)}{dx}dx=F(b) - F(a), it can be summarized as follows:

zz+Δzyy+Δy[Fx(x+Δx,y,z)Fx(x,y,z)]dydz= zz+Δzyy+Δy[xx+ΔxFx(x,y,z)xdx]dydz= zz+Δzyy+Δyxx+ΔxFx(x,y,z)xdxdydz= FxxdV \begin{align*} & \int_{z}^{z+\Delta z} \int_{y}^{y+\Delta y} \left[ F_{x} (x+\Delta x,y,z) - F_{x} (x,y,z) \right] dydz \\ =&\ \int_{z}^{z+\Delta z} \int_{y}^{y+\Delta y} \left[ \int_{x} ^{x +\Delta x} \dfrac{ \partial F_{x}(x,y,z) }{\partial x} dx \right] dydz \\ =&\ \int_{z}^{z+\Delta z} \int_{y}^{y+\Delta y} \int_{x} ^{x +\Delta x} \dfrac{ \partial F_{x}(x,y,z) }{\partial x} dx dydz \\ =&\ \iiint \dfrac{ \partial F_{x} }{\partial x} dV \end{align*}

Thus, the following result is obtained:

S1FdS1+S2FdS2=FxxdV \int_ {S_{1}} \mathbf{F} \cdot d \mathbf{S}_{1} + \int_ {S_2} \mathbf{F} \cdot d \mathbf{S}_2 =\iiint \dfrac{ \partial F_{x} }{\partial x} dV

Similarly, if we calculate the surface integrals for S3S_{3} and S4S_{4}, and the surface integrals for S5S_{5} and S6S_{6}, we get:

S3FdS1+S4FdS2=FyydV \int _{S_{3}} \mathbf{F} \cdot d \mathbf{S}_{1} + \int _{S_{4}} \mathbf{F} \cdot d \mathbf{S}_2 =\iiint \dfrac{ \partial F_{y} }{\partial y} dV

S5FdS5+S6FdS2=FzzdV \int_ {S_{5}} \mathbf{F} \cdot d \mathbf{S}_{5} + \int_ {S_{6}} \mathbf{F} \cdot d \mathbf{S}_2 =\iiint \dfrac{ \partial F_{z} }{\partial z} dV

Finally, adding all the surface integrals for the 6 faces gives:

SFdS=FxxdV+FyydV+FzzdV=[Fxx+Fyy+Fzz]dV=FdV=VFdV \begin{align*} \oint _\mathcal{S} \mathbf{F} \cdot d \mathbf{S} &= \iiint \dfrac{ \partial F_{x} }{\partial x} dV + \iiint \dfrac{ \partial F_{y} }{\partial y} dV +\iiint \dfrac{ \partial F_{z} }{\partial z} dV \\ &= \iiint \left[ \dfrac{ \partial F_{x} }{\partial x} + \dfrac{ \partial F_{y} }{\partial y} + \dfrac{ \partial F_{z} }{\partial z} \right] dV \\ &= \iiint \nabla \cdot \mathbf{F} dV \\ &= \int_\mathcal{V} \nabla \cdot \mathbf{F} dV \end{align*}

  1. David J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics (translated by Jin-Seung Kim) (4th Edition, 2014), p35 ↩︎

  2. The change inside, i.e., the change in volume. ↩︎

  3. The change at the entrance, i.e., the change on the surface. ↩︎