Proof of the Dominated Convergence Theorem
📂Measure TheoryProof of the Dominated Convergence Theorem
Given measurable sets E∈M and g∈L1(E), let the sequence of measurable functions {fn} satisfy ∣fn∣≤g almost everywhere in E. If, almost everywhere in E, f=n→∞limfn then f∈L1(E).
Compared to the Monotone Convergence Theorem, the condition fn↗f is missing, and there’s no need for fn≥0 either.
Interestingly though, a g that can “dominate” {fn} is required, but eventually, g does not appear in the result.
Part 1.
Let’s prove f∈L1(E).
Since in E we have ∣fn∣≤g, for all x∈E, −g(x)≤fn≤g(x) holds. Summarizing gives
and when n→∞,
Meanwhile, f=(f+g)+(−g) and since L1(E) is a vector space, f∈L1(E) holds.
Part 2.
Assume fn≥0.
Fatou’s Lemma: For a sequence of non-negative measurable functions {fn},
By assumption and Fatou’s Lemma,
and it suffices to show n→∞limsup∫Efndm≤∫Efdm.
Applying Fatou’s Lemma again to g−fn gives
Here, since f,g≥0, the left side is
and the right side is
Since g∈L1(E), ∫Egdm<∞ holds, allowing for cancellation on both sides, and rearranging signs yields:
Part 3.
To generalize for cases where fn≥0 is not true, define hn:=fn+g. Since hn≥0, we can repeat the process in Part 2.