Let’s say topological space is X and A⊂P(X). It is said to have the Finite Intersection Property if for all finite subsets A⊂A, ⋂A=∅ implies A.
That A has the f.i.p. means the same as always meeting the following condition for open sets Uα⊂A:
Note that this property refers not to a topological space but to a set in general. For example, {[0,n1]n∈N} can be said to have the f.i.p. without specifying any topology.
The following theorem is useful because it gives a necessary and sufficient condition for compactness, but writing it out is verbose and the proof very difficult to understand. It’s natural to feel discouraged, but compactness is inherently tough, so let it be.
For X to be compact, the necessary and sufficient condition is that it has the f.i.p. for all closed Aα⊂X such that α∈∀⋂Aα=∅.
For open setsOα and closed sets Cα, the following holds:
If C:={Cα∣α∈∀} is a set of closed sets of X having the f.i.p., then O:={Oα=X∖Cα∣α∈∀} becomes a set of open sets of X.
Assuming that α∈∀⋂Cα=∅, then
and, thus, X⊂O, that is O, becomes an open cover of X. Since X is compact, there exists a finite open cover O′={X∖Ci∣i=1,2,⋯,n} that satisfies X=i=1⋃n(X∖Ci). Meanwhile,
therefore i=1⋂nCi=∅. This contradicts the premise that C has f.i.p., so it must be that α∈∀⋂Cα=∅.
If O:={Oα∣α∈∀} is an open cover of X, then C:={X∖Oα∣α∈∀} becomes a set of closed sets of X.
thus not having f.i.p., and there exists a C′={Ci∣i=1,2,⋯,n} satisfying i=1⋂nCi=∅. And,
thus, X⊂i=1⋃nOi. In other words, there exists a finite subcover {O1,O2,⋯,On} making X compact.