
Proof that a Permutation Cannot Be Both Even and Odd 📂Abstract Algebra

Proof that a Permutation Cannot Be Both Even and Odd


If a permutation of a finite symmetric group can be expressed as the product of an even number of transpositions, it is called Even, and if it can be expressed as the product of an odd number of transpositions, it is called Odd.


Although the definitions of even and odd are quite natural, by the definitions alone, there’s no apparent exclusivity that something must be either even or odd. Let’s verify this through the following theorem.

Theorem 1

A permutation that is both even and odd does not exist.


Consider a transposition τ:=(i,j)\tau : = ( i , j ) and a permutation σ\sigma of a finite symmetric group SnS_{n}.

Every permutation of a finite symmetric group can be expressed as the composition of disjoint cycles.

Case 1. When ii and jj are elements of two different orbits of σ\sigma

Since ii and jj are not elements of the same orbit, for some r,mZr, m \in \mathbb{Z}, it can be expressed as the product of disjoint two cycles, σ=(i,i1,,im)(j,j1,,jr)\sigma = (i , i_{1} , \cdots , i_{m}) (j , j_{1} , \cdots , j_{r}). Hence, by the property of transpositions τσ=(i,j)σ=(i,j)(i,i1,,im)(j,j1,,jr)=(i,i1,,im,j)(j,j1,,jr)=(j,i,i1,,im)(j,j1,,jr)=(j,j1,,jr,i,i1,,im) \begin{align*} \tau \sigma =& (i , j) \sigma \\ =& (i , j) (i , i_{1} , \cdots , i_{m}) (j , j_{1} , \cdots , j_{r}) \\ =& (i , i_{1} , \cdots , i_{m} , j ) ( j , j_{1} , \cdots , j_{r}) \\ =& ( j , i , i_{1} , \cdots , i_{m} ) ( j , j_{1} , \cdots , j_{r}) \\ =& ( j , j_{1} , \cdots , j_{r} , i , i_{1} , \cdots , i_{m} ) \end{align*} Therefore τσ\tau \sigma results in ii and jj becoming elements of the same orbit, and the number of orbits in σ\sigma and τσ\tau \sigma differs by 11.

Case 2. When ii and jj are elements of the same orbit of σ\sigma

Since ii and jj are elements of the same orbit, for some r,mZr, m \in \mathbb{Z}, it can be expressed as σ=(i,i1,,im,j,j1,,jr)\sigma = ( i , i_{1} , \cdots , i_{m}, j , j_{1} , \cdots , j_{r} ). Hence, by the property of transpositions τσ=(i,j)σ=(i,j)(i,i1,,im,j,j1,,jr)=(i,j)(i,jr)(i,i1,,im,j,j1,,jr1)=(i,j)(i,jr)(i,jr1)(i,i1,,im,j,j1,,jr2)=(i,j)(i,jr)(i,j1)(i,j)(i,i1,,im)=(i,j)(i,j,j1,,jr)(i,i1,,im)=(i,j)(j,j1,,jr,i)(i,i1,,im)=(i,j)(j,i)(j,j1,,jr)(i,i1,,im)=(j,j1,,jr)(i,i1,,im) \begin{align*} \tau \sigma =& (i , j) \sigma \\ =& (i , j) (i , i_{1} , \cdots , i_{m} , j , j_{1} , \cdots , j_{r}) \\ =& (i , j) \left( i , j_{r} \right) (i , i_{1} , \cdots , i_{m} , j , j_{1} , \cdots , j_{r-1}) \\ =& (i , j) \left( i , j_{r} \right) \left( i , j_{r-1} \right) (i , i_{1} , \cdots , i_{m} , j , j_{1} , \cdots , j_{r-2}) \\ =& (i , j) \left( i , j_{r} \right) \cdots \left( i , j_{1} \right) \left( i , j \right) (i , i_{1} , \cdots , i_{m} ) \\ =& (i , j) (i , j , j_{1} , \cdots , j_{r}) (i , i_{1} , \cdots , i_{m} ) \\ =& (i , j) (j , j_{1} , \cdots , j_{r} , i) (i , i_{1} , \cdots , i_{m} ) \\ =& (i , j) (j , i) ( j , j_{1} , \cdots , j_{r} ) (i , i_{1} , \cdots , i_{m} ) \\ =& ( j , j_{1} , \cdots , j_{r} ) (i , i_{1} , \cdots , i_{m} ) \end{align*} it results in τσ\tau \sigma making ii and jj become elements of different orbits, and the number of orbits in σ\sigma and τσ\tau \sigma differs by 11.

Thus, we have confirmed that the difference in the number of orbits of σ\sigma and τσ=(i,j)σ\tau \sigma = (i , j ) \sigma is 11, regardless of what ii and jj might be. In other words, no matter what permutation, the addition of a transposition increases the number of orbits by 11.

Meanwhile, the number of orbits of the identity function, or ι=[12n12n]\iota = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2 & \cdots & n \\ 1 & 2 & \cdots & n \end{bmatrix}, is nn.

Auxiliary Theorem: Every permutation of a finite symmetric group with more than one element can be expressed as a product of transpositions.

If we express an arbitrary permutation σ\sigma in terms of transpositions τk\tau_{k}, it comes out to σ=τ1τ2τNι\sigma = \tau_{1} \tau_{2} \cdots \tau_{N} \iota, and the number of orbits is (N+n)(N + n). Since a natural number (N+n)(N+n) cannot be both even and odd at the same time, the permutation σ\sigma also cannot be both even and odd.


  • September 4, 2023, by Daesik Ryu, Modification and reinforcement of Case 2 development

  1. Fraleigh. (2003). A first course in abstract algebra(7th Edition): p91. ↩︎