
The Transfer Continuous Function Preserves Connectivity 📂Topology

The Transfer Continuous Function Preserves Connectivity


For a connected space XX, if f:XYf : X \to Y is a surjective continuous function, then YY is a connected space.


Terms like connected and continuous may seem confusing because they sound similar. Usually, memorizing them in English does help, but for this theorem, the relevant English terms are Connected and Continuous, so it doesn’t really help.


Assuming YY is not a connected space would imply there exist open proper subsets A,BYA,B \subset Y satisfying AB=AB=Y A \cap B = \emptyset \\ A \cup B = Y . Since ff is a surjective function, f1(A)f^{-1}(A) and f1(B)f^{-1}(B) are not empty sets.

If ff is a continuous function, for every open set VYV \subset Y, f1(V)f^{-1} (V) is an open set in XX.

Since ff is a continuous function, f1(A)f^{-1}(A) and f1(B)f^{-1}(B) are open sets in XX. However, taking their intersection results in f1(A)f1(B)=f1(AB)=f1()= f^{-1} (A) \cap f^{-1} (B) = f^{-1} (A \cap B) = f^{-1} ( \emptyset ) = \emptyset while taking their union results in f1(A)f1(B)=f1(AB)=f1(Y)=X f^{-1} (A) \cup f^{-1} (B) = f^{-1} (A \cup B) = f^{-1} ( Y ) = X Therefore, XX is not a disconnected space and this is a contradiction.

As we delve into the proof, it becomes evident that it follows precisely the same method to demonstrate that connectivity is a topological property. A corollary which might be more practical to use than the entire theorem due to its factual nature follows below.


For a connected space XX, if f:XYf : X \to Y is a continuous function, then f(X)f(X) is a connected space1.

  1. Munkres. (2000). Topology(2nd Edition): p150. ↩︎