
What are Successive Properties in Topology? 📂Topology

What are Successive Properties in Topology?

Buildup: Subspaces

Let’s say for a topological space (X,T)(X, \mathscr{T}), YXY \subset X.

If we set T:={UY  UT}\mathscr{T}’ := \left\{ U \cap Y \ | \ U \in \mathscr{T} \right\}, then (Y,T)(Y , \mathscr{T}’ ) becomes a subspace of XX and T\mathscr{T} ' is called the subspace topology induced by T\mathscr{T} on YY.

  • [1]: The necessary and sufficient condition for AYA \subset Y to be a closed subset in YY is that there exists a closed subset CXC \subset X satisfying A=CYA = C \cap Y.
  • [2]: The necessary and sufficient condition for NYN \subset Y to be a neighborhood of yYy \in Y in yy is that there exists a neighborhood NXN ' \subset X of yy satisfying N=YnN = Y \cap n '.

It is important to note that the newly formed subspace topology does not guarantee to have the properties of the original space. Thus, the following concept is inevitably considered.


For a topological property PP on XX, if all subspaces of XX have the property PP, then PP is called a Hereditary property.

Examples of hereditary property include:

  • (1): First countability
  • (2): Second countability
  • (3): Metrizability
  • (4): Hausdorff

While the nature of seeking generalization may well be inherent to mathematicians, it doesn’t necessarily answer the question of ‘is it necessary?’ However, if a theorem proven for the whole also applies to its parts, then it obviously becomes more efficient and necessary to study the whole rather than the parts. The issue of whether properties of the whole are retained in its parts is arguably one of the most important reasons for studying mathematics.

Conversely, non-hereditary properties are worth considering as counterexamples. Properties that are topological yet not hereditary include:



Let’s show a counterexample that is topological but not hereditary.

Consider the subset of R2\mathbb{R}^{2} X={(0,1)}{(x,0)  xR}T={}{U  (0,1)UX} X = \left\{ (0,1) \right\} \cup \left\{ (x,0) \ | \ x \in \mathbb{R} \right\} \\ \mathscr{T} = \left\{ \emptyset \right\} \cup \left\{ U \ | \ (0,1) \in U \subset X \right\} it becomes a topological space on (X,T)\left( X , \mathscr{T} \right), and the subset Y={(0,1)  xR}X Y = \left\{ (0,1) \ | \ x \in \mathbb{R} \right\} \subset X can form the subspace (Y,T)\left( Y , \mathscr{T} ' \right). According to the definition of T\mathscr{T}, for all UTU \subset \mathscr{T}, {(0,1)}U \left\{ (0,1) \right\} \cap U \ne \emptyset hence, {(0,1)}\left\{ (0,1) \right\} is dense in XX. Since the singleton set {(0,1)}\left\{ (0,1) \right\} is countable, XX is a separable space. On the other hand, Y={(x,0)  xR}X Y = \left\{ (x, 0) \ | \ x \in \mathbb{R} \right\} \subset X forms the subspace (Y,T)\left( Y, \mathscr{T} ' \right). However, T={UY  UT}=P(R)=P(Y) \mathscr{T} ' = \left\{ U \cap Y \ | \ U \in \mathscr{T} \right\} = \mathscr{P} (\mathbb{R}) = \mathscr{P} (Y) In other words, YY becomes a discrete space.

Criterion for Density: The equivalence of AA being dense in XX and for every open subset UU of XX, UAU \cap A \ne \emptyset holds.

Since a discrete space is such that for every UT=P(Y)U \in \mathscr{T} ' = \mathscr{P} (Y), U(YU)= U \cap ( Y \setminus U ) = \emptyset taking any countable subset UP(Y)U \subset \mathscr{P} (Y) of YY, there exists an open set UcTU^{c} \in \mathscr{T} ' satisfying UUc=U \cap U^{c} = \emptyset, hence UU does not possess denseness. Therefore, YY cannot be a separable space.


Let’s show a counterexample that is topological but not hereditary. Considering the subset X:=(1,0)(0,1)X : = (-1,0) \cup (0,1) of the Euclidean space R\mathbb{R}, the subspace XX of R\mathbb{R} becomes a disconnected space.