
Proving That All Cyclic groups are Isomorphic to the Integer group 📂Abstract Algebra

Proving That All Cyclic groups are Isomorphic to the Integer group

Theorem 1

If a cyclic group <a>\left< a \right> is a finite group, then <a>Zn\left< a \right> \simeq \mathbb{Z}_{n}, and if it is an infinite group, then <a>Z\left< a \right> \simeq \mathbb{Z}.


With this theorem, the exploration of cyclic groups is virtually complete. The fact that groups, which were only abstract, suddenly fall into the domain of number theory means that there is quite a lot that can be done. Conversely, it should also be possible to solve problems of number theory using the theories of group theory.


We divide the proof into cases where mnm \in \mathbf{n} satisfies am=ea^m = e and cases where it does not. This effectively divides it into cases where <a>\left< a \right> is finite and cases where it is infinite.

Case 1. For some natural number mm, am=ea^m = e

Let the smallest natural number that satisfies am=ea^m = e be nn. Considering natural number s=nq+rs = nq + r for 0r<n0 \le r < n, as=anq+r=(an)qar=eqar=ar a^{s} = a^{nq + r} = (a^{n})^{q} a^{r} = e^{q} a^{r} = a^{r} If we assume that there exist two smaller, distinct natural numbers h>kh > k such that ah=aka^{h} = a^{k}, then ahk=ea^{h-k} = e and since (hk)<n(h-k) < n, nn cannot be the smallest natural number that satisfies am=ea^m = e, which is a contradiction. Therefore, a0=ea^{0} = e and a,a2,,an1a , a^2 , \cdots , a^{n-1} must all be distinct elements. Now, if we define the function ϕ:<a>Zn\phi : \left< a \right> \to \mathbb{Z}_{n} as ϕ(ai)=i\phi (a^{i}) = i, it becomes bijective, ϕ(aiaj)ϕ(ai+j)i+jϕ(ai)+ϕ(aj)(modn) \phi ( a^{i} a^{j} ) \equiv \phi ( a^{i + j } ) \equiv i + j \equiv \phi (a^{i}) + \phi (a^{j}) \pmod{n} and thus satisfies <a>Zn \left< a \right> \simeq \mathbb{Z}_{n}

Case 2. For all natural numbers mm, amea^m \ne e

Assuming that there exist two distinct natural numbers h>kh > k such that ah=aka^{h} = a^{k}, ahak=ahk=e a^{h} a^{-k} = a^{h - k } = e thus a contradiction arises since (hk)N( h - k) \in \mathbb{N} exists, and therefore if there exists a natural number mm that satisfies am=ea^m = e, it must be unique. Now, if we define the function ϕ:<a>Z\phi : \left< a \right> \to \mathbb{Z} as ϕ(ai)=i\phi (a^{i}) = i, it becomes bijective, ϕ(aiaj)=ϕ(ai+j)=i+j=ϕ(ai)+ϕ(aj) \phi ( a^{i} a^{j} ) = \phi ( a^{i + j } ) = i + j = \phi (a^{i}) + \phi (a^{j}) and thus satisfies <a>Z \left< a \right> \simeq \mathbb{Z}

In the end, cyclic groups, whether finite or infinite, are isomorphic to the group of integers.

  1. Fraleigh. (2003). A first course in abstract algebra(7th Edition): p63. ↩︎