
What is Resonance? 📂Set Theory

What is Resonance?


Given the propositions pp, contradiction cc, and AαXA_{\alpha} \subset X, the following hold:

  • [1] Vacuous Truth: c    pc \implies p
  • [2] Union: αAα=\displaystyle \bigcup_{\alpha \in \emptyset} A_{\alpha} = \emptyset
  • [3] Intersection: αAα=X\displaystyle \bigcap_{\alpha \in \emptyset} A_{\alpha} = X


For instance, in the statement “God is dead”, if God does not exist, the premise is already flawed. If God doesn’t exist, then it implies 00 gods have died, so it is trivially true regardless of who truly died or lived. Similarly, “God is alive” is also true under the assumption God does not exist, as it attempts to verify the existence of 00 god(s), making it necessarily true.

Thus, if the assumption is a contradiction, the claim becomes true regardless of its content, known as Vacuous Truth or sometimes referred to as Tautology. Although there are other forms of tautologies, c    pc \implies p is one that’s particularly hard to accept. Thinking about it in the context of sets, taking either the Union or Intersection of 00 subsets of a given set can make it easier to understand. n=00n=0\displaystyle \sum_{n=0}^{0} n = 0 might make it appear more intuitive.


Vacuous Truth

To prove that cpc \to p is true whether pp is true or false, note that since xy¬(x¬y)x \to y \equiv \lnot ( x \land \lnot y ), cp¬(c¬p) c \to p \equiv \lnot ( c \land \lnot p ) Whether pp is true or false, taking the logical AND with cc results in false, so ¬(c¬p)¬c \lnot ( c \land \lnot p ) \equiv \lnot c Since the negation of contradiction cc is always true, cpc \to p is true regardless of pp.


To prove for all xXx \in X that xαAα\displaystyle x \notin \bigcup_{\alpha \in \emptyset} A_{\alpha} holds, xαAα    ¬(xαAα)    ¬(xAα0 for some α0)    xAα for all α    αxAα \begin{align*} x \notin \bigcup_{\alpha \in \emptyset} A_{\alpha} \iff & \lnot \left( x \in \bigcup_{\alpha \in \emptyset} A_{\alpha} \right) \\ \iff & \lnot ( x \in A_{\alpha_{0}} \text{ for some } \alpha_{0} \in \emptyset ) \\ \iff &x \notin A_{\alpha} \text{ for all } \alpha \in \emptyset \\ \iff & \alpha \in \emptyset \to x \notin A_{\alpha} \end{align*} If the set \emptyset has an element, it contradicts the definition of an empty set, hence α\alpha \in \emptyset is false. According to [1] Vacuous Truth, αxAα\alpha \in \emptyset \to x \notin A_{\alpha} is true, and thus xαAα\displaystyle x \notin \bigcup_{\alpha \in \emptyset} A_{\alpha}, which is equivalent, is also true.


To prove for all xXx \in X that xαAα\displaystyle x \in \bigcap_{\alpha \in \emptyset} A_{\alpha} holds, xαAα    xAα for all α    αxAα \begin{align*} x \in \bigcap_{\alpha \in \emptyset} A_{\alpha} \iff & x \in A_{\alpha} \text{ for all } \alpha \in \emptyset \\ \iff &\alpha \in \emptyset \to x \in A_{\alpha} \end{align*} Similarly, if set \emptyset has an element, it contradicts the definition of an empty set, making α\alpha \in \emptyset false. According to [1] Vacuous Truth, αxAα\alpha \in \emptyset \to x \in A_{\alpha} is true, and thus xαAα\displaystyle x \in \bigcap_{\alpha \in \emptyset} A_{\alpha} , which is equivalent, is also true.