
Similarity Dimension 📂Dynamics

Similarity Dimension


Let’s say a set A:=limnAn\displaystyle A := \lim_{n \to \infty} A_{n} is a self-similar set. When a subset of A0A_{0} similar to A0A_{0} is called a copy of A0A_{0}, let’s call rr, which when multiplied by the volume of the copy of A0A_{0} equates to the volume of A0A_{0}, the scale factor. If A1A_{1} has mm mutually disjoint copies of A0A_{0}, then dd defined as follows is called the similarity dimension1. d:=logmlogr d := {\frac{ \log m }{ \log r }} Here, volume refers to length, area, volume, etc.


Similarity dimension is a type of fractal dimension that is naturally defined in a geometric sense. An intuitively understandable example of the concept can be imagined by dividing each side of a square into nn parts and drawing a new line segment.

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If you divide the side length into 22 parts, the new smaller square has a side length of the original 1/21/2, and there will be 44 such smaller squares. Similarly, dividing the side length into 33 parts yields 99 squares with a side length of the original 1/31/3. The scale factor in the definition of similarity dimension can be considered as r=nr = n, the reciprocal of the reduction in length, and it’s not hard to check that the number of copies is m=n2m = n^{2}. According to this, the similarity dimension of a square is calculated as d=logmlogr=logn2logn=2 d = {\frac{ \log m }{ \log r }} = {\frac{ \log n^{2} }{ \log n }} = 2 We can say that the similarity dimension of a square is 22, which aligns with the common understanding that we consider a square as a 22-dimensional shape. Unsurprisingly, this consistently holds true for general hypercubes [0,1]d[0, 1]^{d}.

Cantor Set

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In the Cantor set, instead of the segment length reducing to 1/31/3, such segments now appear 22 times. Given r=3r = 3 and m=2m = 2, the similarity dimension of the Cantor set is computed as follows. d=logmlogr=log2log30.63 d = {\frac{ \log m }{ \log r }} = {\frac{ \log 2 }{ \log 3 }} \approx 0.63 This inspires the notion that the Cantor set, while having a total length of 00 and being an uncountable set, yet not a complete segment, might possess a dimension somewhere between 00 and 11 dimensional.

von Koch Curve

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In the von Koch curve, instead of the segment length reducing to 1/31/3, such segments appear 44 times. Given r=3r = 3 and m=4m = 4, the similarity dimension of the von Koch curve is computed as follows. d=logmlogr=log4log31.26 d = {\frac{ \log m }{ \log r }} = {\frac{ \log 4 }{ \log 3 }} \approx 1.26 Even though the von Koch curve’s length is infinite, there is no reason for it to create an area at those extreme folding points. This result intuitively shows that the von Koch curve is positioned in a dimension greater than 11 dimensional but smaller than 22 dimensional.


It would be beneficial if examining examples of similarity dimension improves your grasp of fractals, but unfortunately, you will seldom encounter similarity dimension again in your life. While it’s advantageous that precise values can be calculated without the aid of computers, it can only be mentioned for self-similar sets with clear rules, as exact definitions are inherently difficult to establish. For geometric elements presented as data in the real world, such rules are unknown, thereby confining similarity dimension to a textbook concept.

See Also

  1. Strogatz. (2015). Nonlinear Dynamics And Chaos: With Applications To Physics, Biology, Chemistry, And Engineering(2nd Edition): p406. ↩︎