
Inner Enclosure Boundary in Metric Spaces 📂MetricSpace

Inner Enclosure Boundary in Metric Spaces


Let’s say (X,d)\left( X, d \right) for a metric space.

  • When there exists an open set OO that satisfies xOAx \in O \subset A, xx is called an Interior Point of AA.

  • The set of interior points of AA, AA^{\circ}, is called the Interior of AA.

  • The union A:=Aa\overline{A} : = A \cup a ' of AA and its codomain is called the Closure of AA.

  • When it’s both xAx \in \overline{A} and xXAx \in \overline{X \setminus A}, xx is called a Boundary Point of AA.

  • A:=AXA\partial A : = \overline{A} \cap \overline{X \setminus A} is called the Boundary of AA.


Though it might not be essential to define, the set outside of A\overline{A} in contrast to the interior is called the Exterior.

The open set and these concepts can be defined differently but are essentially the same.

These definitions are such that anyone can understand them if they read them carefully. Let’s quickly grasp them through diagrams.



Consider these concepts when the given set is as above.

A A^{\circ}


The Interior is the largest open subset of XX that is contained within AA.

A \overline{A}


The Closure is the smallest closed subset of XX that contains AA.

A \partial A


The Boundary can be seen as a subset of XX that is the Closure minus the Interior.

While distinguishing between the Interior and Closure is not particularly difficult, the Boundary might be confusing at first glance, depending on whether it’s a dotted or solid line. If it’s a border, just consider it as the Boundary, no ifs or buts.

Through such definitions, the following properties can essentially be seen as the definitions of open and closed sets.

Properties: Open and Closed Sets

Let’s say AA is a subset of the metric space XX.

  • AA being an open set is equivalent to A=AA = A^{\circ}.

  • AA being a closed set is equivalent to A=AA = \overline{A}.

Of course, these properties can be proven, but it’s perfectly fine to accept them as facts.