
Evaluation of Improper Integrals through the Jordan Lemma 📂Complex Anaylsis

Evaluation of Improper Integrals through the Jordan Lemma

Description 1

First, similar to the divergent semicircular complex path integration for rational functions’ improper integrals, let’s start with two polynomials p(z),q(z)p(z) , q(z), assuming f(z)=q(z)p(z)\displaystyle f(z) = {{q(z)} \over {p(z)}}.

If a real solution does not exist satisfying p(z)=0p(z) = 0, then ff would not have a real singularity. Considering an integral in the form of sinmxf(x)dx\displaystyle \int_{- \infty}^{\infty} \sin{mx}f(x) dx or cosmxf(x)dx\displaystyle \int_{- \infty}^{\infty} \cos{mx}f(x) dx for a positive mR+m \in \mathbb{R}^{+},

The condition for the existence of the improper integral is relaxed down from f(z)1zp\displaystyle f(z) \sim {{1} \over {z^{p}}} to p>0p > 0, significantly. Thinking in terms of series, this is similar to how the harmonic series n=11n\displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} {{1 }\over {n}} diverges, but the alternating harmonic series n=1(1)n1n\displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} (-1)^{n} {{1 }\over {n}} converges.


Thinking about such a simple closed semicircle C=Γ[R,R]\mathscr{C} = {\color{red}\Gamma} \cup [-R,R], Cemizf(z)dz=Γemizf(z)dz+RRcosmzf(z)dz+iRRsinmzf(z)dz \int_{\mathscr{C}} e^{m i z} f(z) dz = \color{red} {\int_{\Gamma} e^{m i z} f(z) dz } + \int_{-R}^{R} \cos m z f(z) dz + i \int_{-R}^{R} \sin m z f(z) dz it can be considered in parts.

Jordan’s lemma: For a function ff that is continuous in Γ\Gamma and if limzf(z)=0\displaystyle \lim_{z \to \infty} f(z) = 0, then for a positive mR+m \in \mathbb{R}^{+}, limRΓemizf(z)dz=0\lim_{R \to \infty} \int_{\Gamma} e^{m i z } f(z) dz = 0

Since RR \to \infty when Γemizf(z)dz0\displaystyle \color{red} {\int_{\Gamma} e^{m i z} f(z) dz } \to 0, utilizing the residue theorem to calculate Cemizf(z)dz\displaystyle \int_{\mathscr{C}} e^{m i z}f(z) dz, the real part is found to be cosmzf(z)dz\displaystyle \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \cos m z f(z) dz, and the imaginary part, sinmzf(z)dz\displaystyle \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \sin m z f(z) dz.

  1. Osborne (1999). Complex variables and their applications: p167. ↩︎