
How to Plot Two Data Axes of Different Scales in Julia Plots 📂Julia

How to Plot Two Data Axes of Different Scales in Julia Plots


When plotting two data sets that have a large scale difference on the same plot, the one with the smaller scale gets completely ignored as shown in the figure below.

using Plots

x = 0:0.01:2π

plot(x, sin.(x))
plot!(x, exp.(x))

When plotting the second data set, if you input twinx() as the first argument, it shares the xx axis and the graph is drawn on the new yy axis.

plot(x, sin.(x), ylabel = "sin x")
plot!(twinx(), x, exp.(x), ylabel = "exp x")

Conversely, to share the yy axis and plot, you can input twiny() as the first argument.


  • OS: Windows11
  • Version: Julia 1.9.4, Plots v1.39.0