
Specifying Background Color in Julia Plots 📂Julia

Specifying Background Color in Julia Plots


The keywords related to the background color of figures in Plots.jl are as follows.

Keyword NameFunction
background_color, bg_colorSpecify the color of the overall background
background_color_outside, bg_color_outsideSpecify the color of the area outside where the graph is drawn
background_subplot, bg_subplotSpecify the color of the area where the graph is drawn
background_inside, bg_insideSpecify the color of the area where the graph is drawn, excluding the legend


The keyword to specify the background color is background_color(=bg_color). It sets the color of the legend, the area where the graph is drawn, and all the background to the entered value.

plot(rand(10), bg_color = :tomato)

The keyword to specify the color outside the area where the graph is drawn is background_color_outside(=bg_color_outside).

plot(rand(10), bg_color_outside = :palegreen)

The keyword to specify the color of the area where the graph is drawn is background_subplot(=bg_subplot).

plot(rand(10), bg_subplot = :violet)

The keyword to specify the color of the area where the graph is drawn, excluding the legend, is background_inside(=bg_inside).

plot(rand(10), bg_inside = :brown4)

Sub Plots

When there are multiple sub plots, it is necessary to set the color using bg_subplot or bg_inside to maintain each background color when combined into an overall plot.

p₁ = plot(rand(10), bg_subplot = :tomato)
p₂ = scatter(rand(10), bg_inside = :yellow)
p = plot(p₁, p₂)


  • OS: Windows11
  • Version: Julia 1.9.4, Plots v1.39.0

See Also