
Drawing Arrows in Graphics with Julia 📂Julia

Drawing Arrows in Graphics with Julia


  • plot!([x1, x2], [y1, y2], arrow=:true)

This code plots an arrow from point (x1,y1)(x1, y1) to point (x2,y2)(x2, y2) on the plot. Naturally, the tip of the arrow is at the terminal point (x2,y2)(x2, y2). The maximum value of the sine function can be shown as follows.

using Plots

x = range(0, 2π, 100)
plot(x, sin.(x), label="", ylims=(-1.3,1.3))
plot!([π/2, 3], [1, 1.1], arrow=:true, color=:black, label="")
annotate!(3.7, 1.1, "maximum")

Arrow tip

The style of the tip can be chosen as :open or :closed.

  • Not specified or :true: a polyline \to
plot!([3π/2, 3], [-1, -1.1], arrow=:open, color=:red, label="")
annotate!(2.3, -1.1, "minimum")

Arrow direction

The direction of the tip can be set to :head, :tail, :both, with :head being the default.

plot!([π/2, π/2], [0, 1], arrow=(:closed, :both), color=:purple, label="")
annotate!(0.75π, 0.5, "amplitude")

In the official documentation1, there are explanations about the headlength and headwidth options, but trying to use them only leads to errors and it is unclear how to use them.


  • OS: Windows11
  • Version: Julia 1.9.0, Plots v1.38.12