
Second Order Necessary/Sufficient Conditions for the Extreme Values of Multivariable Functions 📂Optimization

Second Order Necessary/Sufficient Conditions for the Extreme Values of Multivariable Functions


Let’s say the function f:RnRf : \mathbb{R}^{n} \to \mathbb{R} is given. f\nabla f, 2f\nabla^{2}f are the gradient and Hessian of ff, respectively.

  • Second-order necessary conditions

    If xx^{\ast} is a local optimizer and 2f\nabla^{2}f exists and is continuous in the neighborhood of xx^{\ast},

    f(x)=0 \nabla f(x^{\ast}) = 0

    and 2f(x)\nabla^{2} f(x^{\ast}) is positive semidefinite.

    Note that 00 is not the number zero, but the zero vector.

  • Second-order sufficient conditions

    In the neighborhood of xx^{\ast}, if 2f\nabla^{2}f is continuous, f(x)=0\nabla f (x^{\ast}) = 0, and f(x)\nabla f(x^{\ast}) is positive definite, then xx^{\ast} is a strict local optimizer.


The necessary condition talks about the properties of ff when xx^{\ast} is an extremum. The sufficient condition discusses whether xx^{\ast} is an extremum based on certain properties of ff.


Second-order necessary conditions

It is true that f(x)\nabla f(x^{\ast}) holds by the first-order necessary conditions.

The rest of the proof is by contradiction. Assume that 2f(x)\nabla^{2} f(x^{\ast}) is not positive semidefinite. Then, choose some vector pp that satisfies pt2f(x)p<0p^{t} \nabla^{2}f(x^{\ast}) p \lt 0. Here, ptp^{t} is the transpose matrix. Thus, since 2f\nabla^{2}f is continuous near xx^{\ast}, for some s>0s \gt 0, the following holds.

pt2f(x+ξp)p<0,ξ[0,s] \begin{equation} p^{t} \nabla^{2}f(x^{\ast} + \xi p) p \lt 0,\quad \forall \xi \in [0, s] \end{equation}

Also, by the Taylor expansion formula for multivariable functions,

f(x+ξp)=f(x)+ξptf(x)+12ξ2pt2f(x+ξˉp)p,for some ξˉ(0,ξ) \begin{equation} f(x^{\ast} + \xi p) = f (x^{\ast}) + \xi p^{t} \nabla f(x^{\ast}) + \dfrac{1}{2}\xi^{2} p^{t} \nabla^{2} f(x^{\ast} + \bar{\xi} p)p,\quad \text{for some } \bar{\xi} \in (0, \xi) \end{equation}

Then, since f(x)=0\nabla f(x^{\ast}) = 0, by (1)(1) and (2)(2), we get the following.

f(x+ξp)<f(x),ξ[0,s] f(x^{\ast} + \xi p) \lt f (x^{\ast}), \qquad \forall \xi \in [0, s]

This contradicts the fact that xx^{\ast} is a local minimizer. Therefore, the assumption is wrong, and 2f(x)\nabla^{2} f (x^{\ast}) is a positive semidefinite matrix.

Second-order sufficient conditions

Since the Hessian 2f\nabla^{2}f at xx^{\ast} is continuous and positive definite, an open ball Br={x:xx<r}B_{r} = \left\{ x : \left\| x - x^{\ast} \right\| \lt r \right\} can be selected so that 2f(x)\nabla^{2}f (x) is positive definite for all xBx \in B.

pt2f(x)p>0,pRn p^{t}\nabla^{2} f(x) p \gt 0,\quad \forall p \in \mathbb{R}^{n}

Now, for some vector pp that is not 00 and satisfies p<r\left\| p \right\| \lt r, by the Taylor expansion formula for multivariable functions, we get the following.

f(x+p)=f(x)+ptf(x)+12pt2f(x+ξp)p,ξ(0,1)=f(x)+12pt2f(x+ξp)p \begin{align*} f(x^{\ast} + p) &= f(x^{\ast}) + p^{t}\nabla f(x^{\ast}) + \dfrac{1}{2}p^{t} \nabla^{2} f(x + \xi p) p,\quad \xi \in (0, 1) \\ &= f(x^{\ast}) + \dfrac{1}{2}p^{t} \nabla^{2} f(x + \xi p) p \end{align*}

Here, since x+ξpBx^{\ast} + \xi p \in B,

f(x+p)>f(x) f(x^{\ast} + p) \gt f(x^{\ast})

Therefore, xx^{\ast} is a local minimizer.

See also

  1. J. Nocedal and Stephen J. Wright, Numerical Optimization (2nd), p14-15 ↩︎