Lusin's Theorem
📂Measure TheoryLusin's Theorem
Let f:E→R be a Lebesgue measurable function defined on the measurable set E⊂R. Then, for any given positive number ϵ>0, there exists a measurable set A⊂R that satisfies the following.
m(A)≤ϵ and g=f∣E∖A is continuous.
Here, m is the Lebesgue measure.
If f is a measurable function and it holds that A⊂Rn for μ(A)<∞ and f(x)=0 for x∈Ac, then, for the given ϵ>0, there exists g∈ Cc(Rn) that satisfies the following.
x∈Rnsupg(x)≤x∈Rnsupf(x) and μ({x∈Rn:f(x)=g(x)})<ϵ
This is known as Lusin’s theorem. In simple terms, there exists a continuous function g that is almost identical to the measurable function f. It introduces a proof that does not depend on the Egorov’s theorem and employs topology.
Since the real space is second-countable, let {Uj} be the countable base of the standard topology for R. And let Uj be the open set that satisfies the following.
f−1(Uj)⊂Uj and m(Uj∖f−1(Uj))<2jϵ
Here, f−1(Uj) is the pre-image of Uj. And let A=j=1⋃∞(Uj∖f−1(Uj)). Then, m(A)<ϵ holds.
Now, it only remains to show that g=f∣E∖A is continuous. To prove this, assume the following holds (the actual proof will be postponed).
Now, if U⊂R is an open set, since {Uj} is a basis, there exists M satisfying U=⋃j∈MUj. Then, by (1), the following is true.
The union of open sets is an open set, so the right-hand side is an open set from E∖A. Therefore, g−1(U) is an open set. According to The equivalent conditions of a continuous function, since g−1(U) is an open set for all open sets U⊂R, g is continuous. Now, let’s finish proving (1). g−1(Uj)⊂Uj∩(E∖A) is trivial by definition. The inclusion in the opposite direction is derived from the following equation.
Uj∩(E∖A) ⊂ Uj∩(E∖[Uj∖f−1(Uj)])=Uj∩(E∩[Uj∖f−1(Uj)]c)=Uj∩E∩[Uj∖f−1(Uj)]c=Uj∩E∩[(Uj)c∪f−1(Uj)]=Uj∩E∩f−1(Uj)=Uj∩f−1(Uj)=f−1(Uj)
The first equality is valid by A∖B=A∩Bc, and the third equality by (A∖B)c=Ac∪B. By applying ∩E∖A to both sides, the following is obtained.