
Hyperbola 📂Geometry


Definition 1

The set of points on a plane whose difference in distances to two distinct points $F$, $F^{\prime}$ is constant is called a hyperbola.

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  • The points $F$, $F^{\prime}$ are called focus.
  • The midpoint of segment $\overline{FF^{\prime}}$ is called center.
  • The two points where the hyperbola intersects segment $\overline{FF^{\prime}}$, $A$, $A^{\prime}$, are called vertices.
  • The segment $\overline{AA^{\prime}}$ is called major axis.


Method of Discrimination

For a given quadratic curve $Ax^{2} + Bxy + Cy^{2} + Dx + Ey + F = 0$, $\Delta = B^{2} - 4AC$ is called the discriminant. A quadratic curve is a hyperbola if the discriminant is positive.

  1. EBS, 2023학년도 수능완성 수학영역 수학Ⅰ·수학Ⅱ·기하, p76 ↩︎