
Relative Entropy (Kullback-Leibler Divergence) in Classical Information Theory

Relative Entropy (Kullback-Leibler Divergence) in Classical Information Theory

Discrete random variables ’s probability mass function p,qp, q regarding, the relative entropy of qq with respect to pp is defined as follows.

D(pq):=p(x)log2p(x)q(x)(1) D(p \| q) := \sum p(x) \log_{2} \dfrac{p(x)}{q(x)} \tag{1}

For p0p \ne 0, it is defined as plog2(p0):=p \log_{2}(\frac{p}{0}) := \infty.

For continuous random variables, it is defined by integration.

D(pq):=p(x)lnp(x)q(x)dx D(p \| q) := \int p(x) \ln \dfrac{p(x)}{q(x)} dx


Relative entropy is also known as Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLd) and is noted by the following notations.

D(pq)=DKL(pq)=H(pq) D(p \| q) = D_{\text{KL}}(p \| q) = H(p \| q)

D(pq)D(p \| q) measures how inadequate it is to assume the distribution of XX as qq (when the actual distribution of XX is pp), in other words, how much qq differs from pp. Since logq-\log q represents the information content of qq, the definition (1)(1) means the average difference of information between qq and pp.

p(x)log2p(x)q(x)=p(x)[log2q(x)(log2p(x))]=p(x)[I(q(x))I(p(x))]=E[I(q)I(p)] \begin{align*} \sum p(x) \log_{2} \dfrac{p(x)}{q(x)} &= \sum p(x) \big[ -\log_{2}q(x) - (-\log_{2}p(x)) \big] \\ &= \sum p(x) \big[ I(q(x)) - I(p(x)) \big] \\ &= E \big[ I(q) - I(p) \big] \end{align*}


  1. Non-symmetry D(pq)D(qp) D(p \| q) \ne D(q \| p)

  2. Non-negativity D(pq)0 D(p \| q) \ge 0 Equality holds when p=qp = q.



If p=qp=q, then by definition D(pq)=0D(p \| q) = 0, so let’s consider pqp \ne q.

D(pq)=p(x)log2q(x)p(x)log2(p(x)q(x)p(x))=log2(q(x))=log21=0 \begin{align*} -D(p \| q) &= \sum p(x) \log_{2} \dfrac{q(x)}{p(x)} \\ &\le \log_{2} \left( \sum p(x) \dfrac{q(x)}{p(x)} \right) \\ &= \log_{2} \left( \sum q(x) \right) \\ &= \log_{2} 1 \\ &= 0 \end{align*}

The inequality holds because the logarithm function is concave, according to the Jensen’s inequality.

Jensen’s inequality

If ff is a concave function, then the following holds. For k=1nλk=1\sum_{k=1}^{n} \lambda_{k} = 1,

f(k=1nλkxk)k=1nλkf(xk) f\left( \sum\limits_{k=1}^{n}\lambda_{k}x_{k} \right) \ge \sum\limits_{k=1}^{n} \lambda_{k} f(x_{k})

Therefore, by multiplying both sides by minus,

0D(pq) 0 \le D(p \| q)

See also