
Ladder Operators for Angular Momentum 📂Quantum Mechanics

Ladder Operators for Angular Momentum


The Angular Momentum Operator corresponding to LzL_{z} Ladder Operators are defined as follows.

L+:=Lx+iLyL:=LxiLy L_{+} := L_{x} + \i L_{y} \\ L_{-} := L_{x} - \i L_{y}

L+L_{+} is called the raising operator, and LL_{-} is called the lowering operator.

Explanation 1 2

The names of the operators, raising/lowering, are due to the fact that L±L_{\pm} raises or lowers the state of the simultaneous eigenfunction of the angular momentum operator LzL_{z}. Let the simultaneous eigenfunction of L2L^{2} and LzL_{z} be ψ\psi, and assume that the eigenvalue equation for operator LzL_{z} is as follows.

Lzψ=μψ L_{z} \psi = \mu \psi

At this time, L±ψL_{\pm}\psi can be shown to be an eigenfunction of LzL_{z} with an eigenvalue greater than ψ\psi by ±\pm \hbar. By using the following property (2)(2),

Lz(L±ψ)=(L±Lz±L±)ψ=L±Lzψ±L±ψ=L±μψ±L±ψ=μL±ψ±L±ψ=(μ±)L±ψ \begin{align*} L_{z}(L_{\pm}\psi) &= (L_{\pm}L_{z} \pm \hbar L_{\pm})\psi \\ &= L_{\pm}L_{z}\psi \pm \hbar L_{\pm}\psi \\ &= L_{\pm}\mu\psi \pm \hbar L_{\pm}\psi \\ &= \mu L_{\pm}\psi \pm \hbar L_{\pm}\psi \\ &= (\mu \pm \hbar)L_{\pm}\psi\\ \end{align*}

On the other hand, by (3)(3), it can be seen that the eigenvalue for L2L^{2} does not change. If the eigenvalue equation for L2L^{2} is L2ψ=λψL^{2}\psi = \lambda \psi, then

L2(L±ψ)=(L±L2)ψ=L±(L2ψ)=L±lλψ=λL±ψ \begin{align*} L^{2}(L_{\pm}\psi) &= (L_{\pm}L^{2})\psi \\ &= L_{\pm}(L^{2}\psi) \\ &= L_{\pm}l\lambda\psi \\ &= \lambda L_{\pm}\psi \end{align*}


The following relationships hold for the ladder operators.

L+L=L2Lz2+LzLL+=L2Lz2LzL2=L+L+Lz2Lz=LL++Lz2+Lz[Lz,L±]=±L±LzL±=L±Lz±L±[L2,L±]=0Lx=12(L++L)Ly=i2(L+L) \begin{align} L_{+}L_{-} &= L^{2} - L_{z}^{2} + \hbar L_{z} \nonumber \\ L_{-}L_{+} &= L^{2} - L_{z}^{2} - \hbar L_{z} \nonumber \\ L^{2} &= L_{+}L_{-} + L_{z}^{2} - \hbar L_{z} \nonumber \\ &= L_{-}L_{+} + L_{z}^{2} + \hbar L_{z} \nonumber \\ [L_{z}, L_{\pm}] &= \pm\hbar L_{\pm} \\ L_{z}L_{\pm} &= L_{\pm}L_{z} \pm \hbar L_{\pm} \\ [L^{2}, L_{\pm}] &= 0 \\ L_{x} &= \dfrac{1}{2}(L_{+} + L_{-}) \nonumber \\ L_{y} &= -\dfrac{\i}{2}(L_{+} - L_{-}) \nonumber \\ \end{align}

(1)(1) is the condition that L±L_{\pm} becomes the Ladder Operator of LzL_{z}.


It can be shown by simple calculation. Note that the commutativity of multiplication generally does not hold for operators.

L+L=(Lx+iLy)(LxiLy)=Lx2+iLyLxiLxLy+Ly2=Lx2+Ly2i[Lx,Ly]=L2Lz2+Lz \begin{align*} L_{+}L_{-} &= (L_{x} + \i L_{y})(L_{x}-\i L_{y}) \\ &= {L_{x}}^{2} + \i L_{y}L_{x} - \i L_{x}L_{y} + {L_{y}}^{2} \\ &= {L_{x}}^{2}+{L_{y}}^{2} - \i[L_{x},L_{y}] \\ &= {L}^{2} -{L_{z}}^{2} +\hbar L_{z} \end{align*}

LL+=(LxiLy)(Lx+iLy)=Lx2iLyLx+iLxLy+Ly2=Lx2+Ly2+i[Lx,Ly]=L2Lz2Lz \begin{align*} L_{-}L_{+} &= (L_{x} - \i L_{y})(L_{x} + \i L_{y}) \\ &= {L_{x}}^{2} - \i L_{y}L_{x} + \i L_{x}L_{y} + {L_{y}}^{2} \\ &= {L_{x}}^{2} + {L_{y}}^{2} + \i[L_{x},L_{y}] \\ &= L^{2} - {L_{z}}^{2} -\hbar L_{z} \end{align*}

From the above two results, we obtain the following.

L2=L+L+Lz2Lz=LL++Lz2+Lz=L±L+Lz2Lz \begin{align*} L^{2} &= L_{+}L_{-} + {L_{z}}^{2} -\hbar L_{z} \\ &= L_{-}L_{+} + {L_{z}}^{2} + \hbar L_{z} \\ &= L_{\pm} L_\mp + {L_{z}}^{2} \mp \hbar L_{z} \end{align*}

Commutation Relations of Angular Momentum Operator

[Ly,Lz]=iLx[Lz,Lx]=iLy[L2,Lx]=[L2,Ly]=0 \begin{align*} \left[ L_{y}, L_{z} \right] &= \i \hbar L_{x} \\ \left[ L_{z}, L_{x} \right] &= \i \hbar L_{y} \\ \left[ L^{2}, L_{x} \right] &= \left[ L^{2}, L_{y} \right] = 0 \end{align*}

The commutation relations of the angular momentum operator calculate as follows.

[Lz,L±]=[Lz,Lx±iLy]=[Lz,Lx]±i[Lz,Ly]=iLy±i(iLx)=±(Lx±iLy)=±L± \begin{align*} [L_{z},L_{\pm}] &= [L_{z}, L_{x} \pm \i L_{y}] \\ &= [L_{z}, L_{x}] \pm \i [L_{z}, L_{y}] \\ &= \i\hbar L_{y} \pm \i (-\i\hbar L_{x}) \\ &= \pm \hbar(L_{x} \pm \i L_{y}) \\ &= \pm \hbar L_{\pm} \end{align*}

From the above result, we naturally obtain the following equation.

LzL±=L±Lz±L± L_{z}L_{\pm} = L_{\pm}L_{z} \pm \hbar L_{\pm}

Likewise, the following equation is also obtained from the commutation relations of the angular momentum operator.

[L2,L±]=[L2,Lx±iLy]=[L2,Lx]±i[L2,Ly]=0 \begin{align*} [L^{2}, L_{\pm}] &= [L^{2}, L_{x} \pm \i L_{y}] \\ &= [L^{2},L_{x}] \pm \i [L^{2} , L_{y}] \\ &= 0 \end{align*}

By combining L+L_{+} and LL_{-}, we obtain the following.

Lx=12(L++L)Ly=i2(LxL) \begin{align*} L_{x} &= \dfrac{1}{2} (L_{+} + L_{-}) \\ L_{y} &= -\dfrac{\i}{2}(L_{x} - L_{-}) \end{align*}

  1. David J. Griffiths, 양자역학(Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, 권영준 역) (2nd Edition, 2006), p155-160 ↩︎

  2. Stephen Gasiorowicz, 양자물리학(Quantum Physics, 서강대학교 물리학과 공역) (3rd Edition, 2005), p 145-149 ↩︎