
Disjunction, OR Gate

Disjunction, OR Gate

[ 펼치기 · 접기 ]


The following Boolean function is called $\text{OR}$ Gate or Disjunction, and it is denoted as follows.

$$ \lor : \left\{ 0, 1 \right\}^{2} \to \left\{ 0, 1 \right\} $$

$$ 0\lor 0 = 0,\quad 0\lor 1 = 1,\quad 1\lor 0 = 1,\quad 1\lor 1 = 1 $$


$\text{OR}$ Gate sends two truth values to one truth value, and it returns true if there is at least one true value among the two.

부울 함수기호진리표
$a$$b$$a \lor b$

This can be expressed with $\text{NOT}$ Gate and $\text{AND}$ Gate.

$$ a \lor b = \lnot(\lnot a \land \lnot b) $$

  1. Kim Young-hoon·Heo Jae-seong, Quantum Information Theory (2020), p84 ↩︎