Cayley-Hamilton Theorem
📂Linear AlgebraCayley-Hamilton Theorem
Let T:V→V be a linear transformation on a finite-dimensional vector space V. Let f(t) be the characteristic polynomial of T. Then, the following holds:
Here, T0 is the zero transformation. In other words, a linear transformation satisfies its own characteristic polynomial. Rewriting this theorem from the perspective of matrices,
Square matrices satisfy their own characteristic equations.
The owner and the customers of the same age must have learned about matrices in high school, and what they saw then is precisely this Cayley-Hamilton theorem. (Apparently, it wasn’t part of the curriculum, just like L’Hôpital’s Rule)
For a 2nd order square matrix A=[acbd], the following holds:
What we need to show is that for every v∈V, f(T)(v)=0 holds. Since T is a linear transformation, the case where v=0 is trivial. Assume v=0.
Let W be the T-cyclic subspace generated by v, and let k=dim(W).
Lemma on cyclic subspaces
{v,Tv,…,Tk−1v} is a basis of W.
If a0v+a1Tv+⋯+ak−1Tk−1v+Tkv=0, then the characteristic polynomial of the restriction map T∣W is
By Lemma 1., there exists a constant a0,a1,…,ak−1 that satisfies the following:
Then, by Lemma 2., the characteristic polynomial of the restriction map T∣W is as follows:
Hence, by (1) and (2), we obtain the following:
Lemma on invariant subspaces
If W is an T-invariant subspace, then the characteristic polynomial of T∣W divides the characteristic polynomial of T.
By the above Lemma, g(t) divides the characteristic polynomial f(t) of T. Therefore, for some polynomial q(t), f(t)=q(t)g(t) holds. Thus,