직합의 성질
📂Linear Algebra직합의 성질
Let W1,W2,…,Wk be subspaces of a finite-dimensional vector space V. The following propositions are equivalent:
- V=W1⊕W2⊕⋯⊕Wk
- It is V=i=1∑kWi, and for any vectors vi∈Wi(1≤i≤k), if v1+⋯vk=0, then for all i, vi=0 holds.
- All v∈V can be uniquely expressed in the form of v=v1+⋯+vk(vi∈Wi).
- If γi is an ordered basis of Wi, then γ1∪⋯∪γk is an ordered basis of V.
- There exists an ordered basis γi of Wi such that γ1∪⋯∪γk becomes an ordered basis of V.
For two subspaces W1,W2 of V,
- W1+W2 is the sum of W1,W2.
- W1⊕W2 is the direct sum of W1,W2.
Assume 1. Then it is V=i=1∑kWi. Let vi+⋯vk=0(vi∈Wi). Then for some j,
Since vj∈Wj, we obtain the following:
Therefore, for all i, it is vi=0.
Assume 2. Let it be v∈V. Then there exist some vi∈Wi, which are v=v1+⋯+vk by assumption. Suppose there exists another expression v=w1+⋯+wk (wi∈Wi). Then we obtain:
Therefore, it is vi−wi∈Wi and since we assumed 2., for all i, it is vi−wi=0. Thus, v=v1+⋯+vk is a unique representation.
Assume 3. Let γi be an ordered basis of Wi. By assumption, it is V=i=1∑kWi. This means γ1∪⋯∪γk generates V. To show this set is linearly independent, assume vij∈γj and for scalars aij, that i,j∑aijvij=0 is (j=1,…,mi, i=1,…,k). For each i,
Suppose it holds true for all i, then it is 0=0+⋯+0=w1+⋯+wk. By assumption, for all i, it is wi=0.
Since each γi is a basis, it is linearly independent, and therefore for all i,j, it is aij=0. Therefore, γ1∪⋯∪γk is linearly independent and is a basis of V.
It is trivial.
Assume 5. For each i, let γi be an ordered basis of Wi such that γ1∪⋯∪γk becomes an ordered basis of V. Then, the sum of the generating sets equals the generating set of the sum,
Now, to prove exclusivity, fix j(1≤j≤k) and for a non-zero v∈V, assume the following:
By the definition of the intersection, the following holds:
Then v has two different linear combinations in the basis γ1∪⋯∪γk of V. This contradicts the uniqueness of linear combinations in a basis, thus the assumption is incorrect. Therefore, non-zero elements of V do not belong to Wj∩i=j∑Wi.