
대각화가능한 선형변환의 불변부분공간으로의 축소사상도 대각화가능하다 📂Linear Algebra

대각화가능한 선형변환의 불변부분공간으로의 축소사상도 대각화가능하다


Let VV be a vector space, and let T:VVT : V \to V be a diagonalizable linear transformation. Suppose {0}WV\left\{ \mathbf{0} \right\} \ne W \le V denotes a non-trivial TT-invariant subspace. Then the restriction map TWT|_{W} is also diagonalizable.

A trivial TT-invariant subspace refers to the zero vector set {0}\left\{ \mathbf{0} \right\}, the entire set VV, the range R(T)R(T), the null space N(T)N(T), and the eigenspace EλE_{\lambda}.


Since the characteristic polynomial of a diagonalizable linear transformation is factorable, there exist n=dim(V)n = \dim(V) distinct eigenvalues λ\lambda. Let EλE_{\lambda} be the eigenspace corresponding to λ\lambda.

Eλ={vV:Tv=λv} E_{\lambda} = \left\{ v \in V : Tv = \lambda v \right\}

Assume Wλ=EλWW_{\lambda} = E_{\lambda} \cap W, and since WW is TT-invariant, it becomes the eigenspace of TWT|_{W} corresponding to λ\lambda.

Wλ={vW:TWv=λv} W_{\lambda} = \left\{ v \in W : T|_{W}v = \lambda v \right\}

Let βλ\beta_{\lambda} be the basis of WλW_{\lambda}. We will show that β=λβλ\beta = \bigcup\limits_{\lambda} \beta_{\lambda} forms a basis for WW. Then, since β\beta is a set of eigenvectors, proving that TWT|_{W} is diagonalizable is equivalent.

  • β\beta is linearly independent.

    The union of linearly independent sets from different eigenspaces is also linearly independent, so β\beta is linearly independent on WW.

  • β\beta generates WW.

    Since TT is diagonalizable, every vector in VV can be expressed as a linear combination of the (linearly independent) eigenvectors of TT. Since WW is a subspace of VV, the same holds for every vector in WW.


    Assume VV is a vector space of dimension nn, T:VVT : V \to V is a linear transformation, and WW is TT-invariant. Let v1,,vkv_{1}, \dots, v_{k} be the eigenvectors of TT corresponding to distinct eigenvalues. If v1++vkWv_{1} + \cdots + v_{k} \in W, then for all ii, it holds that viWv_{i} \in W.

    By the lemma and the definition of β\beta, every element of WW can be expressed as a linear combination of β\beta.

See Also

  1. Stephen H. Friedberg, Linear Algebra (4th Edition, 2002), p324 ↩︎