Differentiable Vector Fields on a Differentiable Manifold
📂GeometryDifferentiable Vector Fields on a Differentiable Manifold
Let’s call M a differentiable manifold. The set of all differentiable vector fields on M is denoted as X(M).
X(M):={all vector fileds of calss C∞ on M}
X(M) is a module over the ring D(M) of D(M). In other words, for a differentiable function f∈D(M) and a vector field X∈X(M), fX is (pointwise) well defined.
Both X(p) and Y(p) are elements of the vector space TpM, so their sum is well defined. Since f(p)∈R and X(p)∈TpM, their product is also well defined.
Moreover, a vector field is itself a differential operator, hence the following product rule applies. For X,Y∈X(M),f∈D(M),
This can be easily shown by direct calculation. If X=ai∂x∂i and Y=bj∂x∂j,
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