Basis Transformation (Coordinate Transformation) of Linear Transformations
📂Linear AlgebraBasis Transformation (Coordinate Transformation) of Linear Transformations
Let V to n dimensional vector space, and call it v∈V. Let β,β′ be the ordered basis of V. Then, the two coordinates [v]β and [v]β′ of v are transformed by the coordinate transformation matrix Q as follows.
Now, suppose a linear transformation T:V→V is given. Then, for each ordered basis, there exist matrix representations [T]β and [T]β′. Just like the coordinates of vector v of V are transformed by Q, these two matrices are also transformed by Q.
Let β,β′ be the ordered basis of the n-dimensional vector space V, and T:V→V be a linear transformation. Let Q=[I]β′β be the coordinate transformation matrix converting β′-coordinates to β-coordinates. Then, the following holds.
Such two matrices [T]β′ and [T] are called similar.
Let V,W,Z be a finite-dimensional vector space, and let α,β,γ be their respective ordered bases. Also, let T:V→W and U:W→Z be linear transformations. Then,
By the lemma,
Since [Q is invertible]