The set of matrices of the same size is itself a vector space. This might seem obvious because if you arrange numbers in a line, you get a tuple (vector), and if you arrange them in a rectangle, you get a matrix.
Zero Trace Matrices
A matrix whose trace is 0 is called a zero trace matrix.
The set of all n×n zero trace matrices W is a n2−1-dimensional subspace of Mn×n. It’s easy to see that the dimension of W is n2−1. For example, considering the case when 3×3, W is as follows:
Therefore, W is generated by the following set, and its dimension is 32−1=8.
Let’s call the set of all n×nupper triangular matrices as W. Then, W is a k=1∑nk-dimensional subspace of Mn×n. For example, considering the case when 3×3,
The set generating this is as follows, and the dimension of W is 1+2+3=6.