Isometries and Local Isometries on Riemann Manifolds
📂GeometryIsometries and Local Isometries on Riemann Manifolds
Given a Riemannian manifold (M,g),(N,h), a diffeomorphism f:M→N is called an isometry if the following holds for f:
Here dfp:TpM→Tf(p)N is the derivative of f.
Local Isometry
Let (M,g),(N,h) be a Riemannian manifold. If the following condition is satisfied, then the differentiable function f:M→N is called a local isometry at p∈M:
There exists a neighborhood U⊂M of p such that f:U→f(U) satisfies (1).
Moreover, if a local isometry f:U→f(U)⊂N exists for every point p, then Riemannian manifolds M and N are said to be locally isometric.
Immersed Manifold
Let f:Mn→Nn+k be an immersion. That is, for all p∈M, the derivative dfp:TpM→Tf(p)N of f is injective. If N has a Riemannian metric h, then we can consider the following metric on M induced by f g:
In this case, f is called an isometry immersion.