
Isometries and Local Isometries on Riemann Manifolds 📂Geometry

Isometries and Local Isometries on Riemann Manifolds


Given a Riemannian manifold (M,g),(N,h)(M, g), (N, h), a diffeomorphism f:MNf : M \to N is called an isometry if the following holds for ff:

g(u,v)p=h(dfp(u),dfp(v))f(p),pM,u,vTpM \begin{equation} g(u, v)_{p} = h\left( df_{p}(u), df_{p}(v) \right)_{f(p)},\quad \forall p\in M,\quad u,v\in T_{p}M \end{equation}


u,vp=dfp(u),dfp(v)f(p),pM,u,vTpM \left\langle u, v \right\rangle_{p} = \left\langle df_{p}(u), df_{p}(v) \right\rangle_{f(p)},\quad \forall p\in M,\quad u,v\in T_{p}M

Here dfp:TpMTf(p)Ndf_{p} : T_{p}M \to T_{f(p)}N is the derivative of ff.

Local Isometry

Let (M,g),(N,h)(M, g), (N, h) be a Riemannian manifold. If the following condition is satisfied, then the differentiable function f:MNf : M \to N is called a local isometry at pMp \in M:

There exists a neighborhood UMU \subset M of pp such that f:Uf(U)f : U \to f(U) satisfies (1)(1).

Moreover, if a local isometry f:Uf(U)Nf : U \to f(U) \subset N exists for every point pp, then Riemannian manifolds MM and NN are said to be locally isometric.

Immersed Manifold

Let f:MnNn+kf : M^{n} \to N^{n+k} be an immersion. That is, for all pMp \in M, the derivative dfp:TpMTf(p)Nd_{f}p : T_{p}M \to T_{f(p)}N of ff is injective. If NN has a Riemannian metric hh, then we can consider the following metric on MM induced by ff gg:

g(u,v)p=h(dfp(u),dfp(v))f(p),u,vTpM g(u, v)_{p} = h\left( df_{p}(u), df_{p}(v) \right)_{f(p)},\quad u,v \in T_{p}M

In this case, ff is called an isometry immersion.