
Strange Nonchaotic Attractor (SNA) 📂Dynamics

Strange Nonchaotic Attractor (SNA)

Definition 1 2

A Strange Nonchaotic Attractor is an attractor that possesses the structure of fractal geometry but is not chaotic in a dynamical sense.


In a dynamical sense, something being chaotic means that the largest number in the Lyapunov spectrum is negative, indicating that, although it is a strange attractor, it does not have the important property of being sensitive to initial conditions.

Consider, for instance, a gear transmission system with a degree of freedom of 1.
I1θ¨1+c(rb1rb2θ˙2e˙(τ))rb1+k(τ)f(rb1θ1rb2θ2e(τ))rb1=T1I2θ¨2+c(rb1rb2θ˙2e˙(τ))rb2+k(τ)f(rb1θ1rb2θ2e(τ))rb2=T2 \begin{align*} I_{1} \ddot{\theta}_{1} + c \left( r_{b1} - r_{b2} \dot{\theta}_{2} - \dot{e} (\tau) \right) r_{b1} + k (\tau) f \left( r_{b1} \theta_{1} - r_{b2} \theta_{2} - e (\tau) \right) r_{b1} =& T_{1} \\ I_{2} \ddot{\theta}_{2} + c \left( r_{b1} - r_{b2} \dot{\theta}_{2} - \dot{e} (\tau) \right) r_{b2} + k (\tau) f \left( r_{b1} \theta_{1} - r_{b2} \theta_{2} - e (\tau) \right) r_{b2} =& - T_{2} \end{align*}
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The dynamical characteristics of this system are not the focus here. When simplified into a dimensionless equation, it can be represented as a nonsmooth system.
x˙=vv˙=Fˉn+FˉeH(cosθ+cosΩ)(1+kˉ1cosΩ)f(x)2ζvΩ˙=ωhθ˙=ϕf(x)={xbˉ,if x>bˉ0,if bˉxbˉx+bˉ,if x<bˉ \begin{align*} \dot{x} =& v \\ \dot{v} =& \bar{F}_{n} + \bar{F}_{e} H \left( \cos \theta + \cos \Omega \right) - \left( 1 + \bar{k}_{1} \cos \Omega \right) f(x) - 2 \zeta v \\ \dot{\Omega} =& \omega_{h} \\ \dot{\theta} =& \phi \\ f(x) =& \begin{cases} x - \bar{b} & , \text{if } x > \bar{b} \\ 0 & , \text{if } - \bar{b} \le x \le \bar{b} \\ x + \bar{b} & , \text{if } x < - \bar{b} \end{cases} \end{align*}
ϕ\phi is the reciprocal of the golden ratio (51)/2(\sqrt{5} - 1)/2, and other parameters are set as bˉ=1\bar{b} = 1, ζ=0.06\zeta = 0.06, kˉ1=0.06\bar{k}_{1} = 0.06, H=ωh2=1H = \omega_{h}^{2} = 1, Fˉn=0.3\bar{F}_{n} = 0.3. Viewing the bifurcation diagram and the largest Lyapunov exponent concerning the bifurcation parameter Fˉe[0.2,0.2]\bar{F}_{e} \in [-0.2, 0.2] gives the following:

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It is said that the system’s characteristics change according to the value of Fˉe\bar{F}_{e} as follows:

  • SNA: Fˉe[0.102,0.0996][0.118,0.122]\bar{F}_{e} \in [-0.102, -0.0996] \cup [0.118, 0.122]
  • Chaotic: Fˉe[0.126,0.102][0.122,0.137]\bar{F}_{e} \in [-0.126, -0.102] \cup [0.122, 0.137]
  • Quasiperiodic: Outside the mentioned regions.

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In reality, the (a), (b) Poincaré sections, and (c) power spectrum at Fˉe=0.1\bar{F}_{e} = -0.1 appear as shown above. The Poincaré sections give a fractal sense, and since discrete peaks do not appear in the power spectrum, it is neither periodic nor quasiperiodic, hence confirming it as a strange attractor.

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However, by examining the Lyapunov exponent at Fˉe=0.1\bar{F}_{e} = -0.1, it can be observed that it converges below 00 as seen above. This means that although the orbit has the shape of a strange attractor, it is not actually chaotic.


The following is a Julia code that replicates the bifurcation diagram and Lyapunov spectrum from the reference paper. To draw the bifurcation diagram, specific values need to be stored according to the Poincaré sections, and there were quite a few errors in the reference paper, causing some difficulties. The guidelines in the paper should be changed as follows:

  • The paper shows a Poincaré section at θ=0(mod2π)\theta = 0 \pmod{2 \pi}, and it appears that the bifurcation diagram should also be drawn similarly, but in fact, values at Ω=0(mod2π)\Omega = 0 \pmod{2 \pi} should be recorded for the bifurcation diagram.
  • The figure suggests saving values at xx, but it’s an obvious typo; instead, values at vv should be recorded in the Poincaré section at Σ\Sigma.
using DataFrames, CSV, ProgressMeter, LinearAlgebra, Base.Threads

function RK4(f, v::AbstractVector, h=1e-2, nonsmooth=nothing)
    if nonsmooth |> isnothing
        V1 = f(v)
        V2 = f(v + (h/2)*V1)
        V3 = f(v + (h/2)*V2)
        V4 = f(v + h*V3)
        V1 = f(v, nonsmooth)
        V2 = f(v + (h/2)*V1, nonsmooth)
        V3 = f(v + (h/2)*V2, nonsmooth)
        V4 = f(v + h*V3, nonsmooth)
    return v + (h/6)*(V1 + 2V2 + 2V3 + V4), V1

function gram_schmidt(J)
    N = size(J, 1)
    U, V = deepcopy(J), deepcopy(J)
    U[:,1] = V[:,1] / norm(V[:,1])
    for j in 2:N
        for jp in 1:(j-1)
            V[:,j] -= (J[:,j]'U[:,jp])*U[:,jp]
        U[:,j] = V[:,j] / norm(V[:,j])
    return U, V

function lyapunov_exponent(_data::DataFrame, J_::Function, bf_param;
    U = I(ncol(_data)), T = (last(_data.t) - first(_data.t)))

    λ = zeros(size(U, 1))
    for k = 1:nrow(_data)
        J = J_(collect(_data[k, :])..., bf_param)
        U, V = gram_schmidt(U)
        λ += V |> eachcol .|> norm .|> log
        U = RK4(J, U, dt)
    return sort(λ / T, rev=true)

function factory_gear(Fe::Number; ic = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0], tspan = [0, 1000], dt = 1e-2)
    __b = 1
    ζ = 0.06
    k1 = 0.06
    ωh = 1
    H = ωh^2
    Fn = 0.3
    φ = (√5 - 1)/2
    function sys(xvΩθ::AbstractVector, nonsmooth::Real)
        ẋ = v
        v̇ = Fn + Fe*H*(cos(θ) + cos(Ω)) - (1 + k1*cos(Ω))*nonsmooth - 2*ζ*v
        Ω̇ = ωh
        θ̇ = φ
        return [ẋ, v̇, Ω̇ , θ̇ ]
    t_ = first(tspan):dt:last(tspan)
    len_t_ = length(t_)
    t, tk = .0, 0
    u = ic; DIM = length(u)
    traj = zeros(len_t_+2, 2DIM)
    while tk ≤ len_t_
        x,v,Ω,θ = u
        t += dt
        nonsmooth = ifelse(x > __b, x - __b, ifelse(x < -__b, x + __b, 0))
        u, du = RK4(sys, u, dt, nonsmooth)

        if t ≥ first(t_)
            tk += 1
            traj[tk+1,         1:DIM ] =  u
            traj[tk  , DIM .+ (1:DIM)] = du
    return traj[2:(end-2), :]
factory_gear(T::Type, args...; kargs...) = 
DataFrame(factory_gear(args...; kargs...), ["x", "v", "Ω", "θ", "dx", "dv", "dΩ", "dθ"])

schedules = DataFrame(idx = 1:801, bp = -0.2:0.0005:0.2)
schedules[!, :λ1] .= .0; schedules[!, :λ2] .= .0; schedules[!, :λ3] .= .0; schedules[!, :λ4] .= .0;
vrbl = [:dx, :dv, :dΩ, :dθ], [:x, :v, :Ω, :θ]
dt = 1e-2; tend = 1000;
function J_(x, v, Ω, θ, Fe)
    dfdx = ifelse(abs(x) > 1, 1, 0)
    return [ 0 1 0 0
             -(1 + k1*cos(Ω))*dfdx -2ζ (-Fe*H*sin(Ω) + k1*sin(Ω)*dfdx) -Fe*H*sin(θ)
             0 0 0 0
             0 0 0 0 ]

bfcn = DataFrame(hrzn = [], vrtc = [])
@showprogress @threads for dr = eachrow(schedules)
    data = factory_gear(DataFrame, dr.bp; tspan = [0, tend] .+ 500)
    CSV.write("bifurcation/gear/$(lpad(dr.idx, 5, '0')).csv", data, bom = true)

    λ = lyapunov_exponent(data[:, last(vrbl)], J_, dr.bp, T = tend)
    dr[[:λ1, :λ2, :λ3, :λ4]] .= λ

    data = data[data.Ω .> 5000, :]
    idx_sampled = diff([0; mod.(data.Ω, 2π)]) .< 0
    sampledx = data.v[idx_sampled]
    hrzn, vrtc = fill(dr.bp, length(sampledx)), sampledx
    append!(bfcn, DataFrame(; hrzn, vrtc))
CSV.write("lyapunov/gear_bifurcation.csv", bfcn, bom = true)
CSV.write("lyapunov/gear_lyapunov.csv", schedules, bom = true)

  1. Li, G., Yue, Y., Xie, J., & Grebogi, C. (2019). Strange nonchaotic attractors in a nonsmooth dynamical system. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 78, 104858. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cnsns.2019.104858 ↩︎

  2. Grebogi, C., Ott, E., Pelikan, S., & Yorke, J. A. (1984). Strange attractors that are not chaotic. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 13(1-2), 261-268. https://doi.org/10.1016/0167-2789(84)90282-3 ↩︎