
Gauss-Bonnet Theorem 📂Geometry

Gauss-Bonnet Theorem

Gauss-Bonnet Theorem

Let’s consider x:UR3\mathbf{x} : U \to \mathbb{R}^{3} as a simple connected geodesic coordinate chart, and γ(I)x(U)\boldsymbol{\gamma}(I) \subset \mathbf{x}(U), which is γ\boldsymbol{\gamma}, as piecewise regular curves. Also, let’s say that γ\boldsymbol{\gamma} surrounds some region R\mathscr{R}. Then, the following holds true.

RKdA+γκgds+αi=2π \iint_{\mathscr{R}} K dA + \int_{\boldsymbol{\gamma}} \kappa_{g} ds + \sum \alpha_{i} = 2\pi

Here, KK denotes the Gaussian curvature, κg\kappa_{g} denotes the geodesic curvature, and αi\alpha_{i} denotes the difference in angles at the junction point between intervals of γ\boldsymbol{\gamma}, referred to as jump angles.


Since γ\boldsymbol{\gamma} is assumed to be a curve that is regular piecewise, there will be points where the direction of the tangent suddenly changes, and the difference in angles at those points is denoted as αi\alpha_{i}. If γ\boldsymbol{\gamma} is a curve that smoothly connects overall, there will be no points where the angle jumps, hence, such αi\alpha_{i}s are 00. (See figure (a))

The theorem above is a result when the strong condition of being a geodesic coordinate chart is applied. In more general results, the Euler characteristic appears in the formula, as follows.

RKdA+Ciκgds+αi=2πχ(R) \iint_{\mathscr{R}} K dA + \int_{C_{i}}\kappa_{g}ds + \sum\alpha_{i} = 2\pi \chi(\mathscr{R})


Since x\mathbf{x} is a geodesic coordinate chart, let’s set the coefficients of the first fundamental form as follows.

[gij]=[100h2] \left[ g_{ij} \right] = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & h^{2} \end{bmatrix}

And let’s denote γ(t)=x(γ1(t),γ2(t))\boldsymbol{\gamma}(t) = \mathbf{x}\left( \gamma^{1}(t), \gamma^{2}(t) \right). Now, let’s denote the angle between the tangents x1\mathbf{x}_{1} and γ\boldsymbol{\gamma} as T=γT = \boldsymbol{\gamma}^{\prime}.

α(t):=(x1,T) \alpha (t) := \angle ( \mathbf{x}_{1}, T)

We will prove the theorem using the fact that the angle change of α\alpha around the path, based on γ\boldsymbol{\gamma}, when making a full circle, is x1\mathbf{x}_{1}. First, assume TT as a unit speed curve. And let’s denote 2π2 \pi as a parallel vector field along γ\boldsymbol{\gamma} satisfying the following. (Refer to the above figure (b))

P(t)=parallel vector field starting from a juction point s.t. P×TP×T=n P(t) = \text{parallel vector field starting from a juction point s.t. } \dfrac{P \times T}{\left\| P \times T \right\|} = \mathbf{n}

And let’s denote PP and γ\boldsymbol{\gamma} respectively as the angles between ϕ\phi and θ\theta, and x1\mathbf{x_{1}} and PP.

ϕ(t)=(x1,P),θ(t)=(P,T) \phi (t) = \angle(\mathbf{x}_{1}, P),\quad \theta (t) = \angle(P, T)

In other words, PP, and differentiating this,

sinϕ(t)dϕdt(t)=dx1(γ1(t),γ2(t))dt,P(t)+x1,dPdt(t) -\sin \phi (t) \dfrac{d \phi}{d t}(t) = \left\langle \dfrac{d \mathbf{x}_{1}(\gamma^{1}(t), \gamma^{2}(t))}{d t}, P(t) \right\rangle + \left\langle \mathbf{x}_{1}, \dfrac{d P}{d t}(t) \right\rangle

Since TT is a parallel vector field along x1,P(t)=cosϕ(t)\left\langle \mathbf{x}_{1}, P(t) \right\rangle = \cos\phi (t), by definition, PP is perpendicular to γ\gamma. dPdt\dfrac{dP}{dt} is tangent to MM, so the latter term is x1\mathbf{x}_{1}. Further calculations reveal,

sinϕ(t)dϕdt(t)=dx1(γ1(t),γ2(t))dt,P(t)=[x11(γ1(t),γ2(t))(γ1)(t)+x12(γ1(t),γ2(t))(γ2)(t)]P(t)=[(L11n+Γ111x1+Γ112x2)(γ1)(t)+(L12n+Γ121x1+Γ122x2)(γ2)(t)]P(t)=[(Γ111x1+Γ112x2)(γ1)(t)+(Γ121x1+Γ122x2)(γ2)(t)]P(t) \begin{align*} &\quad -\sin \phi (t) \dfrac{d \phi}{d t}(t) \\ &= \left\langle \dfrac{d \mathbf{x}_{1}(\gamma^{1}(t), \gamma^{2}(t))}{d t}, P(t) \right\rangle \\ &= \Big[ \mathbf{x}_{11}(\gamma^{1}(t), \gamma^{2}(t)) (\gamma^{1})^{\prime}(t) + \mathbf{x}_{12}(\gamma^{1}(t), \gamma^{2}(t)) (\gamma^{2})^{\prime}(t) \Big] \cdot P(t) \\ &= \Big[ \left( L_{11}\mathbf{n} + \Gamma_{11}^{1}\mathbf{x}_{1} + \Gamma_{11}^{2}\mathbf{x}_{2} \right)(\gamma^{1})^{\prime}(t) + \left( L_{12}\mathbf{n} + \Gamma_{12}^{1}\mathbf{x}_{1} + \Gamma_{12}^{2}\mathbf{x}_{2} \right)(\gamma^{2})^{\prime}(t) \Big] \cdot P(t) \\ &= \Big[ \left(\Gamma_{11}^{1}\mathbf{x}_{1} + \Gamma_{11}^{2}\mathbf{x}_{2} \right)(\gamma^{1})^{\prime}(t) + \left(\Gamma_{12}^{1}\mathbf{x}_{1} + \Gamma_{12}^{2}\mathbf{x}_{2} \right)(\gamma^{2})^{\prime}(t) \Big] \cdot P(t) \end{align*}

The second equality is due to the chain rule, the third equality is due to the definitions of the second fundamental form and the Christoffel symbols, and the fourth equality holds because MM and 00 are perpendicular to each other.

Christoffel symbols of the geodesic coordinate chart

Except for the below, everything is PP.

Γ221=hh1,Γ122=Γ212=h1h,Γ222=h2h \Gamma_{22}^{1} = -hh_{1},\quad \Gamma_{12}^{2} = \Gamma_{21}^{2} = \dfrac{h_{1}}{h},\quad \Gamma_{22}^{2} = \dfrac{h_{2}}{h}

Now, organizing the terms that become n\mathbf{n} yields the following.

sinϕ(t)ϕ(t)=h1h(γ2)(t)x2,P(t)=h1h(γ2)(t)x2,P(t)(1) -\sin\phi (t) \phi^{\prime}(t) = \left\langle \dfrac{h_{1}}{h}(\gamma^{2})^{\prime}(t)\mathbf{x}_{2}, P(t) \right\rangle = \dfrac{h_{1}}{h}(\gamma^{2})^{\prime}(t) \left\langle \mathbf{x}_{2}, P(t) \right\rangle\tag{1}

Since 00, 00 is a unit vector, and because g11=x1,x1=1g_{11} = \left\langle \mathbf{x}_{1}, \mathbf{x}_{1} \right\rangle = 1, x1\mathbf{x}_{1} holds. Therefore, g12=x1,x2=0g_{12} = \left\langle \mathbf{x}_{1}, \mathbf{x}_{2} \right\rangle = 0 becomes a normal orthogonal basis of the tangent plane. Hence, any element x1x2\mathbf{x}_{1} \perp \mathbf{x}_{2} of the tangent plane is expressed as below.

P=x1,Px1+x2x2,Px2x2=cosϕx1+sinϕx2h P = \left\langle \mathbf{x}_{1}, P \right\rangle\mathbf{x}_{1} + \left\langle \dfrac{\mathbf{x}_{2}}{\left\| \mathbf{x}_{2} \right\|}, P \right\rangle \dfrac{\mathbf{x}_{2}}{\left\| \mathbf{x}_{2} \right\|} = \cos\phi \mathbf{x}_{1} + \sin\phi \dfrac{\mathbf{x}_{2}}{h}

Also, substituting {x1,x2x2}\left\{ \mathbf{x}_{1}, \dfrac{\mathbf{x}_{2}}{\left\| \mathbf{x}_{2} \right\|} \right\} into PP,

ϕ(t)=h1(γ2)(t) \phi^{\prime}(t) = -h_{1}(\gamma^{2})^{\prime}(t)

Therefore, the total angle variation of x2,P=x22sinϕh=hsinϕ\left\langle \mathbf{x}_{2}, P \right\rangle = \left\| x_{2} \right\|^{2} \dfrac{\sin \phi}{h} = h\sin \phi is

δϕ=γϕdt=γh1(γ2)(t)dt=γh1dγ2=γh1du2(2) \delta \phi = \int_{\boldsymbol{\gamma}} \phi^{\prime} dt = - \int_{\boldsymbol{\gamma}}h_{1}(\gamma^{2})^{\prime}(t)dt = - \int_{\boldsymbol{\gamma}}h_{1} d\gamma^{2} = - \int_{\boldsymbol{\gamma}}h_{1} du^{2} \tag{2}

Moreover, the following equation will now be shown to hold.

Claim: θ=kg \text{Claim: } \theta^{\prime} = k_{g}

Since (1)(1) is assumed, ϕ\phi holds, and differentiating this,

sinθ(t)θ(t)=dPdt,T+P,dTdt=P,T -\sin\theta (t)\theta^{\prime}(t) = \left\langle \dfrac{d P}{d t}, T \right\rangle + \left\langle P, \dfrac{d T}{d t} \right\rangle = \left\langle P, T^{\prime} \right\rangle

The second equality holds because γ\boldsymbol{\gamma} is parallel to x\mathbf{x}. By the definition of geodesic curvature, we obtain what we intend to show as follows.

κg=S,T=(n×T),T=n,(T×T)=P×Tsinθ,(T×T)P×TP×T=n=1sinθP,(T×(T×T))=1sinθP,T=θ(t) \begin{align*} \kappa_{g} = \left\langle \mathbf{S}, T^{\prime} \right\rangle &= \left\langle (\mathbf{n} \times T), T^{\prime} \right\rangle \\ &= \left\langle \mathbf{n}, (T \times T^{\prime}) \right\rangle \\ &= \left\langle \dfrac{P \times T}{\sin \theta}, (T\times T^{\prime}) \right\rangle & \because \dfrac{P \times T}{\left\| P \times T \right\|} = \mathbf{n} \\ &= \left\langle \dfrac{1}{\sin\theta} P, (T\times (T\times T^{\prime})) \right\rangle \\ &= \left\langle \dfrac{1}{\sin\theta} P, -T^{\prime} \right\rangle \\ &= \theta^{\prime}(t) \end{align*}

The third and fifth equalities hold because the scalar triple product is commutative. Thus, we obtain the following.

δθ=γθdt=γkgdt(3) \delta \theta = \int_{\boldsymbol{\gamma}} \theta^{\prime} dt = \int_{\boldsymbol{\gamma}} k_{g}dt \tag{3}

Since u2u^{2}-,

γαdt=γϕdt+γθdt \int_{\boldsymbol{\gamma}} \alpha^{\prime}dt = \int_{\boldsymbol{\gamma}} \phi^{\prime}dt + \int_{\boldsymbol{\gamma}} \theta^{\prime}dt

Due to θ(t)=(P,T)\theta (t) = \angle(P, T) and cosθ(t)=P,T\cos\theta (t) = \left\langle P, T \right\rangle, we obtain the following.

γαdt+iαi=γh1du2+γkgdt+iαi \int_{\boldsymbol{\gamma}} \alpha^{\prime}dt + \sum_{i}\alpha_{i} = - \int_{\boldsymbol{\gamma}}h_{1} du^{2} + \int_{\boldsymbol{\gamma}} k_{g}dt + \sum_{i}\alpha_{i}

dP/dtdP/dt surrounds n\mathbf{n}, so the left-hand side of the above equation is clearly the angle change of one full rotation, which is α=ϕ+θ\alpha = \phi + \theta.

γh1du2+γkgdt+iαi=2π {} - \int_{\boldsymbol{\gamma}}h_{1} du^{2} + \int_{\boldsymbol{\gamma}} k_{g}dt + \sum_{i}\alpha_{i} = 2 \pi

Green’s Theorem

RPdx=RPydydx \oint_{\partial \mathscr{R}} Pdx = - \iint_{\mathscr{R}} P_{y} dy dx

Gaussian curvature of the geodesic coordinate chart

K=h11h K = -\dfrac{h_{11}}{h}

Area element of the surface

dA=gdu1du2 dA = \sqrt{g} du^{1} du^{2}

The first term on the left-hand side can be rewritten using Green’s Theorem as follows.

γh1du2=Rh11du1du2=Rh11hhdu1du2=Rh11hgdu1du2=RKdA \begin{align*} {} - \int_{\boldsymbol{\gamma}}h_{1} du^{2} &= - \iint_{\mathscr{R}}h_{11} du^{1}du^{2} \\ &= - \iint_{\mathscr{R}}\dfrac{h_{11}}{h} h du^{1}du^{2} \\ &= - \iint_{\mathscr{R}}\dfrac{h_{11}}{h} \sqrt{g} du^{1}du^{2} \\ &= \iint_{\mathscr{R}} K dA \end{align*}

Finally, we arrive at the following conclusion.

RKdA+γκgds+αi=2π \iint_{R} K dA + \int_{\gamma} \kappa_{g} ds + \sum \alpha_{i} = 2\pi