
How to load a npy file in Julia 📂Julia

How to load a npy file in Julia



This document outlines the process of calculating the Radon transform Rf\mathcal{R}f of a phantom ff in Python and saving the results as a *.npy file. To load this file in Julia, one can use the PyCall.jl package.

using PyCall
np = pyimport("numpy")

The above code is equivalent to executing import numpy as np in Python. This allows one to directly use the code written for numpy in Python to load ff and Rf\mathcal{R}f.

f = np.load("f.npy")
Rf = np.load("Rf.npy")

To check if it has been correctly loaded, let’s visualize it using a heatmap.

p1 = heatmap(reverse(f, dims=1), color=:viridis)
p2 = heatmap(reverse(Rf, dims=1), color=:viridis)
plot(p1, p2, size=(728,250))



  • OS: Windows10
  • Version: Julia 1.6.2, PyCall 1.93.0